Consider yourself as Manager of Kibby and Strand, the company in the scenario.

Consider yourself as Manager of Kibby and Strand, the company in the scenario.

The CEO is thinking of expanding Kibby and Strand, and you are tasked to create a data collection plan and measurement criteria for how production output and product quality will be measured. In addition, the HR manager asks for a list of qualifications and skill sets required for additional staff to operate and maintain new equipment planned for the expansion. Create your job ad to include qualifications and desired skill sets.

create the data collection plan, measurement criteria, and job qualifications list

Additional info: On your data collection plan use the templated provided below and include high, medium, and detailed level data metrics to be collected. Include 4-5 data metrics from each of the three departments that demonstrate you understand the different levels of metrics. You do not have to populate the metrics with fake or made-up data. A detailed level metric would be something like the utilization value for a single cutting machine, while a medium level would be the utilization factor of all machines (cutting, sewing, etc.) in Production. A high level metric would be the percent of orders produced without quality issues.

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