Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases

The student will complete one Discussion: Internal Controls and Ethics Analysis in thiscourse.


The case must be selected from Sections two through five of the Knapp casebooks(Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases).The student will post one thread of between 1000 and 2500 words, and twelve-point font. For this thread, the student must support their assertions with at least five scholarly or practitioner sources which must be listed and cited using the current APA standards for graduate classes. Acceptable sources include both refereed scholarly journals, practitioner journals and textbooks. A Statement of Christian World View must be included in which the student will express an opinion on whether the auditor or client appeared to act in accordance with a Christian WorldView. At least one Bible verse must be cited to support this opinion. The case analysis must start with a summary of the case, giving the reader a background of the case that is sufficient for the reader to understand the audit issues involved. Then, each question must be written, in order, and answered. The answers must be supported by citations to references. The Statement of Christian World View may be in a separate location or may beincorporated throughout the case analysis. 

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