Create a visual that identifies who you are and what identities you have.


As you create the visual aids, reflect on the questions included. Express your answers in the visual aids:

  1. Create a visual that identifies who you are and what identities you have.
  2. Depict your family tree including any cultures that you know are present.
  3. Reflect on what was learned this week about the role of family, communities you are a part of, and cultural identity through rituals and upbringing.
    1. What made you who you are today?
    2. What will continue to mold and change you into whom you are striving to be, if you wereto have a family what would/ will/ did you pass on to them?


  • Date: See due date listed at the top of the page.
  • Time: By 11:59 p.m of the indicated due date.

Requirements: 250-500 words

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