Cross-Cultural Psychology (CCP) United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) Literature Review Report


Cross-Cultural Psychology (CCP) United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) Literature Review Report

Assignment Title:

Cultural Influences on <YOUR PSYCHOLOGICY TOPIC/PRINCIPLE OF INTEREST>: A Cross-Cultural Exploration Supporting UNSDG <X.X – BRIEF TITLE OF UNSDG>

All students should use the same title; replace the capitalized words with your topic and UNSDG goal and brief title, respectively.

Assignment Description:

In this assignment, you will conduct a comprehensive literature review focusing on the cultural influences on your psychological topic/principle of interest, with a specific emphasis on supporting a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG).

Step 1: Topic Selection & UNSDG Connection:

Students will choose a specific topic in psychology … and explore how cultural factors impact it. You will also integrate research findings from at least 3 different countries to provide a cross-cultural comparison. You will need to discuss how your chosen topic directly connects to the chosen UNSDG.

Step 2: Literature Review & Cross-Cultural Analysis:

Students will conduct a literature review, integrating at least six (6) peer-reviewed empirical articles, analyzing studies and research articles that explore their chosen psychological topic from a cross-cultural lens. Students will identify cultural variations, similarities, and differences in perceptions, attitudes, and practices related to their psychological topic across different societies or societal regions.

Step 3: UNSDG Integration:

Students will demonstrate how their chosen topic contributes to achieving the identified UNSDG. You will discuss how understanding and addressing cultural influences on the psychological topic can lead to better strategies for addressing the UNSDG (e.g., promoting well-being, reducing stigma, and increasing access to mental health resources on a global scale).

Step 4: Recommendations and Implications:

Based on your literature review and cross-cultural analysis, provide recommendations for policymakers, healthcare professionals, or organizations to develop culturally sensitive and effective interventions that address your chosen topic (e.g., promote mental health and well-being). Discuss how these recommendations align with the UNSDG goal (and perhaps even other UNSDG goals) and contribute to creating a healthier and more inclusive world.

Step 5: Report and Reflection:

Students will submit their literature review findings and recommendations in the form of an APA-style written report. In your post-analysis, you will also reflect on your learning experience, discussing insights gained about the importance of considering cultural perspectives in addressing global challenges like the UNSDG goal you chose.

Note. You must submit pdf copies of the articles you utilized as supplemental materials when submitting your report. Your work must be prepared in APA style (following the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual).

Assessment Criteria:

Students will be assessed based on the:

  • depth of their literature review – 60%
  • the quality of cross-cultural analysis, 70%
  • the strength of their UNSDG integration, 73%
  • the creativity and feasibility of their recommendations, 74%
  • the clarity and coherence of their presentation or written report. 82%

From the Syllabus:

Students will develop a deeper understanding of a psychology topic from a cross-cultural lens and connect the topic to a United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). …

I strongly encourage you to utilize that topic to guide the brief

  • 1,200 to 1,500-word literature review report you’ll prepare in relation to a UNSDG (

  • Following APA-style formatting for written works,
  • students will integrate at least 6 empirical peer reviewed psychology articles
    • published since 2013 and
      • at least 3 of which were published 2021 or after, and
      • 3 of which are not ones you read for class

into a compelling, informative, and professional piece about the latest findings that would support initiatives to achieve the selected UNSDG. …

You have the start of a good paper, but it is clearly still in its early-stage development.

You have 6 references that were integrated into the paper. However, of those 6 references, 3 are empirical. Additionally, only 2 of the 3 empirical articles are published after 2013 and none are published 2021 onward.

As a result of not having enough relevant sources, the literature review was shallow. If you read the other articles, they should have been integrated. All citations have to be referenced; all references have to be cited.

The cross-cultural analysis presented sweeping statements that were not accurate nor consistent with literature on the topic of social support. Moreover, there was minimal comparison across cultures. There are cross-cultural studies on social support and stress—a lot of them. There are also studies of stress solely in USA, China, and Ghana. It would have been good for you to take upon yourself to integrate more of those studies to enable you to make a more compelling argument.

The UNSDG threaded throughout, however, the recommendations were not supported by other sources that would give it gravitas. As a result, the recommendations were unconvincing.

Finally, the author used structured lists, but the content for each was thin and therefore not always convincing or clear.

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