Cultural Immersion Paper

Each student will be required to choose a cultural community that they are unfamiliar with and submit a cultural-immersion experience. Example choices include houses of worship (mosque, temple, minority church, etc.), LGBTQIA+ gatherings, cultural weddings, volunteer experience with mentally and physically challenged, etc. Next, each student is to write a paper describing his or her experience.  Students will need to make sure they include the textbook readings and three journal articles associated with their topic into the paper. The paper should be 6-8 pages, 12 font and Times New Roman that doesn’t include cover page and references. Paper needs to be in APA 7th.

Use the questions below to guide your paper.

1. Why did you choose this particular culture?

2. Describe the new culture in which you found yourself.

3. What are the basic similarities and differences with your own culture?

4. Did you form any relationships?

5. Does the group of your choice have unique human rights, social and economic justice

issues? How/why/what are the issues?

6. What do you imagine you could do to serve this culture? From the perspective of a

 School Counselor?

7. How was it? What did you feel that was unexpected? Describe your newfound cultural

awareness and describe yourself

8. How/what do you feel about cultural competence that is different compared to when the

course started?

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