Current Events

This analysis will focus on the review of a recent (within 2 years) and ‘substantial’ article (at

least 15 paragraphs long) from a ‘prominent’ foreign business periodical. Examples of prominent
international business periodicals in English would include the following:
• The Australian Financial Review, Australia
• The Economic Times, India
• The Economist, United Kingdom
• Financial Times, United Kingdom
• Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Asian Review, Japan
To avoid duplication and share information, students will post their selected topic and link to the
article for this assignment on the discussion board in Classes (Activities > Discussions). I DO
NOT review and approve selections. The written report must be typed (11-point Arial font, 1.5 line
spacing, one-inch margins all around), submitted on Classes (Activities > Assignments) as a
Microsoft Word document, and the body of the report (not including the cover page) should be
approximately 4 pages in length. The report must include*:
1. A cover page that includes the article title, source, and date of publication
2. A brief summary of the selected article
3. A clear description of how the selected article directly relates to topics covered in this
4. A brief explanation of why the article and topics covered are of particular interest to you
5. A detailed analysis of the main trends and arguments presented in the article
6. Two open-ended questions that you would use to stimulate discussion among your peers.
*Clearly indicate the above sections 2. through 6. In your report with a bold heading (e.g.,
“Summary”, “Course Connection”, “My Interest”, An Analysis”, and “Two Questions”)

During that
class session, students will very briefly (1-2 minutes) summarize their article and discuss why
they selected it. This will be a series of short casual ‘debriefs’ from each student, only a minute
or two in length each, designed to share the range of topics explored among all students. With
approximately 50 students speaking for a minute or two each, the ‘debriefs’ should be concluded
within approximately 90 minutes. In order to maximize the value of this class session, students
should carefully organize their thoughts and practice presenting them in a minute or two ahead of
time. Remember, the key here is to connect current news events to course material.
It should not have to be stated here, but “foreign” means published outside the United States of
America. It does NOT mean that the publication covers foreign topics or that it is ‘foreign’ to your
individual country of origin. If a student does not follow any of the above instructions for this
assignment, the highest possible grade will be 75%

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About the Author: admin