
Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Objective: Build a comprehensive relational database with tables, forms, queries, and reports for the gym clothing brand YOUNGLA. The database should help the company and improve the way that they handle their data. The records
in the tables can be fictitious.

Your Access database should contain at least the following features:
a) Minimum of four tables with at least 10 records in each table. Tables should be designed properly, and
data types should be properly selected.
b) Minimum of four queries. At least two queries should be grouped query (sum, count, average, etc.)
c) Minimum of four forms. Each form should be properly formatted for the best user experience.
d) Minimum of four reports. Two reports should have totals, and/or sub-totals for some financial data.
e) When you open the database, it should populate a menu and the user should be able to navigate
through the database using the menu items.

Requirements: Just complete all the steps

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About the Author: admin