Define Black Nationalism

This is not a research paper -do not use outside material nor citations other than the materials used for the class. You must support your points appropriately with references to the assigned readings. All quotes should be referenced with parenthetical citations (Authors name and pg #) – or Chicago Style footnotes. If you cite the lecture provide citation. You should refer to at least one reading in your answer, if you do not you will receive a 5 point deduction. I am interested in analysis backed up by evidence from the class readings. Remember, plagiarism (using author’s words as your own without referencing them) will not be tolerated this will qualify you for an automatic Failure on the assignment! At this point in class I can tell what is in your voice and what is not.

Remember Answer all aspects of the question. Answer must be at least 4 sentences long.

Do not write more in hopes to get more points. Be thorough but concise.

Short answers 10 Points per question

Part !

1. Define Black Nationalism – Identify two aspects of Black Nationalism highlight one reading that engages the ideology and or person who should be identified as a Black nationalist and explain how they are aligned to black nationalism? In your definition of the term you cannot use the word nationalist.

   2.    Define what is Community Feminism? Identify one benefit and one weakness for women who adopt or engage in community feminism. In your definition of the term, you cannot use feminism. Must include reading in your answer.

   3.      According to Neal what are the two major concerns of the Black Arts Movement? What is the role of politics in Black art? Indicate why Black art is important. Identify one aspect of the black arts movement that you find relevant in Black life today.

Bonus Short answer 5 pts

A significant portion of the scholarship within Black Studies has focused on the retelling and revising the Civil Rights Movement. The historical analysis has focused on various areas? How would you identify the work of Barbara Ransby’s article on Ella Baker in relation to Marable’s discussion of Black studies? Lastly indicate the major contribution of Ella Baker to the Civil Rights movement and how it pertains to my lecture on charismatic leadership?

Part Il Essay 70

This is a formal essay refrain from use of informal language / slang- Do not write in a conversational style. Be sure your sentences are clear and coherent. Proofread for grammar, spelling and content. Read your paper out loud to hear common mistakes. Review a style guide or Purdue Owl Writing lab to assist on the most common college writing mistakes. Writing tab and entire site is a great resource. Your essay must be: typed, 12-point font, double-spaced. The essay must be a maximum of 2 pages minimum 1 page.

Essay Format / Content

Write a well-organized essay in response to the following question. You should support your points appropriately with references to the assigned readings. All quotes should be referenced properly. When you quote the text indicate (Author, title, Pg#). All quotes must be introduced, do not drop a quote in the essay without stating who it is from.

For example: As Biondi states, ” “You must refer to at least three different class readings in your essay. YOU CANNOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OUTSIDE THE CLASS READINGS FOR THIS ESSAY !!! If you PLAGARIZE You will receive an automatic F, and face other penalties. This essay does not require outside research. I am interested in your own analysis and understanding of the readings and class discussions. Be careful with providing too much summary and not enough analysis. Remember, plagiarism (using author’s words as your own without referencing them) will not be tolerated!

Essay Prompt

In this course we have focused the first part of our class around the emergence and creation of Black Studies as a field of study, the context of which it emerges and the role of scholars within the field. Write a well-constructed essay on the following. What is black studies? Identify the historical context of its emergence as a field. Define and explain the two arguments posed by Manning Marable that calls for Black Studies to be both “prescriptive and corrective.” Provide a separate example from the class readings on how Black studies as a field is both corrective and prescriptive and why (1 example for corrective and 1 for prescriptive)? Identify one strength and one weakness within the field of Black Studies and propose a solution to the weakness that contributes to the viability and maintenance of Black Studies today and the importance of why and how Black Studies is important area of study in the midst of efforts to ban it from classrooms.

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