Describe how you would conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario.

There are many considerations for HR managers when planning training sessions for employees. Following a strategic planning process will help ensure the training is beneficial to the employee and the business. One of the key processes is a needs assessment or a Training Needs Assessment (TNA). In this activity you will examine training needs assessment methods, practice defining the problem, examine business impacts, and create training objectives. Imagine you are a human resource manager at a hospital that is facing a high rate of medical errors and lawsuits. You want to conduct a needs assessment for employee training to improve patient safety and quality of care. To conduct the needs assessment, you need to collect data from multiple sources including patients and employees. You need to analyze the data to identify the gaps between the current and desired levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities of the staff. You also need to prioritize the training needs based on their urgency and impact.


In a 1–2-page paper, respond to the following:

Note: You should use your readings and other Learn resources to support this activity. You may make any assumptions necessary.

  1. Describe how you would conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario.
    • Would it be reactive or proactive? Why?
  2. Define the problem and align it with a business need.
  3. Describe the types of gaps or deficiencies you might expect to uncover from your training needs assessment.
  4. Create three training objectives and prioritize them based on the training and business needs.
  5. Explain why it is important that HR managers follow a strategic process when determining employee training needs and how this process can help ensure that the training results in measurable improvements for the employees and organization.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Activity: Strategic Planning for Employee Training

: Strategic Planning for Employee Training
Describe how to conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario, including whether it would be reactive or proactive.18 to >16.2 ptsExemplaryDescribed how to conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario, including whether it would be reactive or proactive. No errors or omissions.16.2 to >14.4 ptsCompetentDescribed how to conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario, including whether it would be reactive or proactive. One error or omission.14.4 to >12.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementDescribed how to conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario. Did not indicate whether it would be reactive or proactive. Or 2-3 errors or omissions.12.6 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or did not describe how to conduct a training needs assessment based on the scenario./ 18 pts
Define the problem and align it with a business need.13.5 to >12.15 ptsExemplaryAccurately defined the problem and aligned it with a business need.12.15 to >10.8 ptsCompetentDefined the problem and aligned it with a business need. One error or omission.10.8 to >9.45 ptsNeeds ImprovementDefined the problem but did not align it with a business need. Or 2-3 errors or omissions.9.45 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or did not define the problem./ 13.5 pts
Describe the types of gaps or deficiencies one might expect to uncover from the training needs assessment.13.5 to >12.15 ptsExemplaryDescribed the types of gaps or deficiencies one might expect to uncover from the training needs assessment. No errors or omissions.12.15 to >10.8 ptsCompetentDescribed the types of gaps or deficiencies one might expect to uncover from the training needs assessment. One error or omission.10.8 to >9.45 ptsNeeds ImprovementDescribed the types of gaps or deficiencies one might expect to uncover from the training needs assessment. Two or more errors or omissions.9.45 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or did not describe the types of training deficiencies one might expect to uncover from the training needs assessment./ 13.5 pts
Create three training objectives and prioritize them based on the training and business needs.18 to >16.2 ptsExemplaryCreated three training objectives and prioritized them based on the training and business need.16.2 to >14.4 ptsCompetentCreated two training objectives and prioritized them based on the training and business need.14.4 to >12.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementCreated 2-3 training objectives but did not prioritize them based on the training and business need.12.6 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or did not create training objectives./ 18 pts
Explain the importance of following a strategic process when determining employee training needs and how this process can help ensure that the training results in measurable improvements for the employees and organization.22.5 to >20.25 ptsExemplaryExplained the importance of following a strategic process when determining employee training needs and how this process can help ensure that the training results in measurable improvements for the employees and organization. Explanation was clear, concise, and accurate.20.25 to >18 ptsCompetentExplained the importance of following a strategic process when determining employee training needs and how this process can help ensure that the training results in measurable improvements for the employees and organization. Explanation lacked necessary detail, evidence, or contained one error.18 to >15.75 ptsNeeds ImprovementExplained the importance of following a strategic process when determining employee training needs but did not explain how this process can help ensure that the training results in measurable improvements for the employees and organization. Explanation lacked necessary detail, evidence, and/or contained 2-3 errors.15.75 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or did not explain the importance of following a strategic process when determining employee training needs./ 22.5 pts
Write a paper that meets the required number of pages, is clear, includes appropriate writing mechanics, and follows SWS formatting requirements.4.5 to >4.05 ptsExemplaryWriting meets the required number of pages, has very few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 0–2 errors present.4.05 to >3.6 ptsCompetentWriting meets the required number of pages, has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a few places; a few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 3–4 errors are present.3.6 to >3.15 ptsNeeds ImprovementWriting meets the required number of pages, has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in some places. 5–6 errors present.3.15 to >0 ptsUnacceptableWriting has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, fragments, comma splices and run-ons that distract from the message. More than 6 errors present. Did not meet or exceeded the required number of pages.
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