Describe the clinical symptoms of major depression and bipolar disorder

1) Contrast a depressive episode from a manic phase of bioplar I and hypomanic episode in bipolar dpression II.

2) Describe the clinical symptoms of major depression and bipolar disorder. Discuss why mental health professions use additional defining criteria (specifiers) for diagnosing depressive disorders (table 7.3 p. 223).
3) Differentiate major depression from persistent depression disorder (dysthymic) and differentiate bipolar I & II disorder from cyclothymic disorder (a milder but more chronic version of bipolar disorder).
4) Discuss medical and psychological treatments that have been successful in treating mood disorders, including various mdications and psychological treatments
5) Describe the relationship between suicide and mood disorders, including known risk factors and approaches to suicide prevention and treatment.

View and critique one of the following video clips:

Lesson 8, Chapter 8, Eating and Sleep-Wake Disorders1) Describe the defining features and clinical manifestations of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.
2) Compare the symptoms and psychological features of binge eating disorder and bulimia
3) Describe the possible social, psychological, and neurobiological causes of eating disorders.
4) Explain the causes and treatment of the major dyssomias.
5) Identity the critical diagnostic features and treatment of each of the parasomias.
View and critique two of the following video clips:
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