describe the implications of the change on nursing staff and nursing management


Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of staffing; a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement; a change in use of equipment or supplies; a change in charting and computerized medical records; and so on. Start with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose of the paper.

In your paper, describe the implications of the change on nursing staff and nursing management. Include the potential impact of the change on patient care. Describe the steps needed to implement the change. Be sure to use proper APA formatting, including a title page.

The following headings are required in the assignment:

  • Change Description
  • Change Implications for Nursing
  • Change Impact on Quality of Care and Safety Concerns for Patients
  • Implementation Plan for Change
  • Conclusion
  • References (a separate page)

The deliverable length for each section is as follows:

  • The change issue should be described in 3–4 paragraphs, 200–250 words.
  • The implications for nursing should be described in 1–2 paragraphs, 100–150 words.
  • The change impact on quality of care and safety concerns for patients should be described in 1–2 paragraphs, 100–150 words.
  • The implementation plan for change should be described in 2–4 paragraphs, 200–250 words.
  • The total length of the paper, EXCLUDING title page and reference page, should be 3–4 pages.
  • A minimum of 6 scholarly references are needed to complete this assignment.

Please click on this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided)—not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.

Individual Project Rubric

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