Describe the setting and discuss how IT impacts your work in that setting. How does the need for information affect you and those around you?

Discussion Board Question:

Think of a typical day in your practice setting. Describe the setting and discuss how IT impacts your work in that setting. How does the need for information affect you and those around you?

Also, below are two articles that show innovative ways in which staff nurses are using informatics. You can see that staff nurses are having input in regards to creating new templates for documentation etc. It is an exciting time and being on the frontlines of patient care makes your voice necessary – who better to create and improve technology to improve patient care than those who are actually doing it every day? 

Post your initial response by Day 3 at Midnight EST. Respond to two of your classmates by Day 7 at midnight EST.


The purpose of the threaded discussion is to promote dialogue among students and faculty during the course.


The student must provide the initial substantive response to the discussion question/topic(s) posted by the course faculty by Friday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment.

The student must also provide a minimum of two additional responses to two student colleagues on two different days by Tuesday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment.

All questions posed to the initial student post by course faculty need to be answered by the student to earn full credit for the discussion board assignment.

This should be substantive feedback to a student colleague’s response to the question/topic posted by the course faculty. All responses must be respectful and thoughtful.

Discussion boards are not opinion boards. Students are expected to have scholarly sources to support their claims and constructs presented in the original post and citations must be provided. While scholarly resources are not required for your response posts, they do strengthen your posts and you must cite information taken from a source. Citations for parts of posts that are synthesized from the course text, peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. Course faculty mon

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About the Author: admin