description of the brain basis of eating behaviors

Post a description of the brain basis of eating behaviors. That description should detail the brain regions that promote eating and satiety, as well as the neurotransmitters and hormones that are involved in these behaviors. Briefly discuss the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of reducing caloric intake to lose weight. Then, based on your last name, you will summarize the current understanding of a particular eating disorder: obesity (last names starting with A–H); anorexia (last names starting with I–Q); or bulimia (last names starting with R–Z). Include what is currently understood about brain regions, hormones, or neurotransmitters involved with your disorder and talk about any existing treatment options. Then, based on your understanding of the biological factors that influence weight gain and homeostasis, you will propose a brain-based therapy for your disorder (i.e., drugs, genetic treatments, deep brain stimulation, etc.). Lastly, research suggests that many young people develop eating disorders based on comments from family and friends as well as social pressure. With that in mind, and based on your understanding of motivation factors related to eating and your understanding of eating disorders, propose an approach you might take to encourage a teenage friend or family member to eat healthily and NOT develop an eating disorder. You may include any relevant information from personal experiences, the Learning Resources, or other sources.

Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and complete references in APA format.

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