Design and develop a written operational SMS implementation plan or manual that supports the business objectives of your selected organization.

Design and develop a written operational SMS implementation plan / manual that supports the business objectives of your selected organization.


  • requirements that produce a safety attitude and awareness within the organization by enhancing the safety culture through leadership,
  • safety management and effective communication,
  • moving the organization from a reactive (current) state through a proactive (current) state and onward to a predictive and preemptive (future) state.

The final written report shall be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced (cover and reference pages not included).

The written report and oral presentation shall include:

Presentation covering main points from the report

Organization’s background and profile (Safety Policy)

  • Current posture on safety management, if any (Safety Policy)
  • Analysis and findings of major hazard and safety risks factors affecting technology, human and organizational aspects of the organization, its safety culture and its industry (GAP analysis/Safety Risk Management)
  • Methods / steps to mitigate risk (Safety Assurance)
  • Business communications methods use to instill and promote a culture of responsibility and safety throughout the organization (Safety Promotion)

The format of the written report and PowerPoint presentation will be:

Double-spaced, Size 12, Arial Font

  • Margins – Top, Bottom, Left and Right will be at 1 inch, with numbered pages
  • Cover Page: Your Name, MGT360 Business Communications, Title, Instructor’s name.
  • References required in APA style format for the report and presentation

Remember: “Safety is everyone’s responsibility.” and “The problem with communication is assuming that it took place and the message was understood.”

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