Determine what issue/policy you are most interested in learning more about. Next, find a way to connect your topic to some aspect of urban inequality in America

determine what issue/policy you are most interested in learning more about.Next, find a way to connect your topic to some aspect of urban inequality in America.

Your topic should, in some way, address race, ethnicity, and/or poverty in a U.S. city (or multiple cities).• You must choose one or more of the following U.S. cities as the basis for your analysis (thatis, you will be interested in these cities as case studies or examples, to help support yourclaims and conclusions):o ANY Ohio city/citieso Chicago, Illinoiso Detroit, Michigano Buffalo, New Yorko New York Cityo Seattle, Washingtono Portland, Oregono Miami, Floridao Atlanta, Georgiao Washington, D.C.o Boston, Massachusettso New Orleans, Louisianao Houston, TexasThe purpose of the Urban Inequality Research Paper—the research paper assignment for this course—is to help you strengthen your academic writing skills.Successful completion of this assignment requires competency in college-level research, writing, and reading comprehension.The Urban Inequality Research Paper gives you an opportunity to strengthen these core skills while also (1) exploring an aspect of American urban life that interests you; and (2) thatb also relates to racial/ethnic and/or economic inequality.

General Outline of an Urban Inequality Research Paper

I. INTRODUCTION: In this opening section, you should define the urban policy issue you are

focusing on. Provide some basic background. Using clear and concise language, bring your reader’s

attention to the goal of your paper. What topic are you exploring? Why does this issue/area matter?

II. BODY/ANALYSIS (SUPPORT FOR THE FOCUS OF YOUR PAPER)Historical Context: Provide a brief history of the issue you are investigating. Be sure to

describe the stakeholders involved. Also, consider any major milestones or turning points in

this urban policy area. While preparing this section, try to consider the following questions:

Who has been most affected by this urban situation? What factors have influenced it? Who has cared

most about it? Has there been any advocacy to affect changes in this area? If so, by whom?Evidence: Here, you should include details on the issue, such as its scale. Your statements

and conclusions should build upon scholarly research and serious investigative reporting.

UST 302: Contemporary Urban Issues

Web/Remote – Summer 2024

Instructor: Nisha Mistry, J.D., MSc.,

Assistant Professor of PracticeCurrent Situation: What governmental actions are shaping the issue you have chosen

(i.e., public policies, laws, programs, funding decisions, etc.)? What, if any, evidence have

you found as to whether these are working? If they are not working, why not? What

external, non-governmental factors (such as corporate actions or nonprofit activities) are

affecting this issue/area? Where appropriate, cite recent data and relevant research findings.Potential Alternatives: Are there any new/alternative policies or programs that are being

considered or developed in your chosen area? If so, what are they? Why might they be more

(or less) effective? If you have not found any proposed changes or alternatives, can you think

of a different approach that might improve outcomes in the policy area?

III. CONCLUSION: Here, provide a summary of your findings. Focus on the most important

points covered in your paper. Include a brief reflection on what lies ahead for the future, based on

your research and analysis.

IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE: You should use the American Psychological Association (APA)

style** for the sources (references) included on this page, as well as for in-text citations. (Note: Each

source listed in your Bibliography should be cited at least once in the body of your paper.)

**While APA writing style is strongly preferred, a student who wishes to use MLA guidelines

instead is permitted to do so. REQUIRED Assignment: DRAFT Urban Inequality Research PaperPlease use full sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points and fragments are unacceptable.Include your name, date, and the course name in the heading of the document.The body of your draft must be three to four (3-4) pages long (no less than 1,000 words)Your draft paper should include a minimum of two (2) academic references.

1. Draft Paper (30 points)

Submit by Sunday, July 21 at 11:59pm.Introduction: 5 pointsBody of Paper/Analysis: 10 pointsConclusion: 5 pointsIn-Line Citation of Sources: Not required.*Bibliography: 5 pointsSpelling and grammatical errors:

-0.5 deduction per errorIncorrect source type (e.g., a non-academic

source): -2 points per incorrect source typeLateness penalty: -1 point per day, up to

one week late.

*Number of Sources: At least two (2) academic

sources must be referenced in the draft paper.

FINAL Paper RequirementsYour final paper must be eight to ten (8-10) pages long (no less than 2,000 words).This length is based on a document that is prepared in MS Word, typed, and double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Papers that do not meet theAs with the draft, graphs, tables, and/or images (which are optional) do not count toward your page count.Any graphs, tables, and/or images should be added to the end of your paper, in an appendix.As with the draft, your Bibliography Page does not count toward your total page count.2. Final Paper (60 points)Title Page: 2 pointsPage Numbers: 2 pointsSubheadings (For Sections): 1 pointIntroduction: 5 pointsBody of Paper/Analysis: 35 pointsConclusion: 5 pointsIn-Line Citation of Sources: 5 points*Bibliography: 5 pointsSpelling and grammatical errors: -0.5 point

deduction per errorIncorrect source type (e.g., a non-academic

source): -2 points per incorrect source type

*Number of Sources: At least five (5) academic

sources must be referenced in the final paper.

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