Develop a survey questionnaire using Google Forms to collect data on CBU student satisfaction. Your question should be “Rate your level of overall satisfaction as a CBU student from zero to 100 (0 being very unsatisfied and 100 being very satisfied). Consider living conditions, diet, classroom experience, extracurricular social activities, and leisure when thinking about your response.”

MGSC 5108 Group Project Instructions


You are a group of students at Cape Breton University tasked with conducting a Student Satisfaction Survey. The university administration wants to understand the level of satisfaction among students regarding various aspects of campus life. Your group is responsible for collecting and analyzing the data and presenting the findings to university officials.

Please note that I will not be forming groups. It is up to the students to form groups. If you are having difficulty forming a group, then please post a thread in the Class Discussion Forum to try to find other students for your group. The group size can be between 1 to 6 students. Note that you can complete this assignment individually if you like.

Do not report the group members to me. Please ensure that you include all the group members’ names and student numbers in your final submission document. Only one group member should submit.

Note that it is not necessary to present detailed calculations. Instead, it suffices to articulate the formula employed, specify the values entered into the formula, and subsequently provide the resultant answer.

Group Project Tasks

Task 1 – Survey Design

  • Develop a survey questionnaire using Google Forms to collect data on CBU student satisfaction. Your question should be “Rate your level of overall satisfaction as a CBU student from zero to 100 (0 being very unsatisfied and 100 being very satisfied). Consider living conditions, diet, classroom experience, extracurricular social activities, and leisure when thinking about your response.”
  • Include a link to your survey in you group project submission document.

Task 2 – Data Collection

  • Survey at least 20 students using Google Forms.

Task 3 – Data Analysis

  • Calculate descriptive statistics such as the sample mean, median, mode, range, sample mean deviation, sample variance, and sample standard deviation for your data. (Section LO3-1 to LO3-4).
  • Is your data collected positively skewed, negatively skewed or a symmetric distribution? Explain. (Section LO3-1)
  • Create a frequency distribution table for the variables in the survey. Determine the number of classes where n is the number of observations which is 20, determine the class interval or width, and set the individual class limits. Use this information to create your table. Your table should include the frequencies, midpoints, widths, relative frequency percentages and cumulative frequency percentages at this point. (Section LO2-3).
  • For the grouped data, calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. (Section LO3-9)

Task 4 – Probability and Probability Distributions

  • Calculate probabilities related to student satisfaction based of the grouped data. (Section LO5-1).
  • Calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of this discrete probability distribution. Use the midpoint as your x value. (Section LO5-3).

Task 5 – Central Limit Theorem and Sampling Distribution and Hypothesis

  • Assume that the population mean is your sample mean minus 1. Assume that the population in your survey follows the normal distribution. What is the percent chance that you select a sample of 20 observations from this normal population (CBU students) with your population mean (your sample mean minus 1) and standard deviation and find the sample mean equal to or greater than your sample mean? Use your sample standard deviation as the population standard deviation in this formula. (Section LO7-5)
  • The population standard deviation is known, compute confidence limits (95%) for population mean satisfaction scores. Compute the margin of error. (Section LO8-2)
  • Hypothesis: the population mean for your satisfaction scores is better than or equal to your sample mean. Apply the five-step procedure for testing this hypothesis with a 0.05 level of significance. Tip: the standard deviation is known in this case. (Section LO9-3)


  • Submit a Word document or PowerPoint document following the instructions above.

This revised case study allows students to conduct a comprehensive satisfaction survey using Google Forms, apply statistical concepts, and analyze the results based on Likert scale data for different areas of campus life. It provides a practical and relevant experience for an introductory statistics class.

Rubric Title: Statistics Group Project Rubric

Task 1 – Survey DesignThe survey questionnaire is well-designed, clear, and considers all relevant aspects of campus life.The survey questionnaire is mostly well-designed, clear, and considers most relevant aspects of campus life.The survey questionnaire is adequately designed, but lacks clarity or consideration of some relevant aspects of campus life.The survey questionnaire is poorly designed, unclear, or fails to consider important aspects of campus life.The survey questionnaire is significantly flawed or irrelevant.
Task 2 – Data CollectionAt least 20 students are surveyed using Google Forms and the data is accurately collected.Between 15-19 students are surveyed using Google Forms and the data is mostly accurately collected.Between 10-14 students are surveyed using Google Forms and the data is adequately collected.Between 5-9 students are surveyed using Google Forms and the data collection is flawed or inaccurate.Less than 5 students are surveyed using Google Forms or the data collection is significantly flawed or inaccurate.
Task 3 – Data AnalysisAll descriptive statistics are accurately calculated and explained. The distribution is correctly identified and a frequency distribution table is created accurately.Most descriptive statistics are accurately calculated and explained. The distribution is mostly correctly identified and a mostly accurate frequency distribution table is created.Some descriptive statistics are accurately calculated and explained. The distribution is adequately identified and an adequately accurate frequency distribution table is created.Few descriptive statistics are accurately calculated and explained. The distribution is inaccurately identified or a flawed frequency distribution table is created.Descriptive statistics are not calculated or explained correctly. The distribution is not identified or an irrelevant frequency distribution table is created.
Task 4 – Probability and Probability DistributionsAll probabilities related to student satisfaction based on grouped data are accurately calculated and explained. Mean, variance, and standard deviation of the discrete probability distribution are correctly calculated.Most probabilities related to student satisfaction based on grouped data are accurately calculated and explained. Mean, variance, and standard deviation of the discrete probability distribution are mostly correctly calculated.Some probabilities related to student satisfaction based on grouped data are accurately calculated and explained. Mean, variance, and standard deviation of the discrete probability distribution are adequately calculated.Few probabilities related to student satisfaction based on grouped data are accurately calculated and explained. Mean, variance, and standard deviation of the discrete probability distribution are inaccurately calculated.Probabilities related to student satisfaction based on grouped data are not calculated or explained correctly. Mean, variance, and standard deviation of the discrete probability distribution are not calculated correctly.
Task 5 – Central Limit Theorem and Sampling Distribution and HypothesisThe percent chance of selecting a sample with the specified characteristics is accurately calculated and explained. Confidence limits for population mean satisfaction scores are correctly computed along with the margin of error. The hypothesis testing is correctly conducted using the five-step procedure.The percent chance of selecting a sample with the specified characteristics is mostly accurately calculated and explained. Confidence limits for population mean satisfaction scores are mostly correctly computed along with the margin of error. The hypothesis testing is mostly conducted correctly using the five-step procedure.The percent chance of selecting a sample with the specified characteristics is adequately calculated and explained. Confidence limits for population mean satisfaction scores are adequately computed along with the margin of error. The hypothesis testing is adequately conducted using the five-step procedure.The percent chance of selecting a sample with the specified characteristics is inaccurately calculated or explained. Confidence limits for population mean satisfaction scores are inaccurately computed or the margin of error is flawed. The hypothesis testing is flawed or conducted incorrectly using the five-step procedure.The percent chance of selecting a sample with the specified characteristics is not calculated or explained correctly. Confidence limits for population mean satisfaction scores are not computed correctly or the margin of error is significantly flawed. The hypothesis testing is not conducted correctly using the five-step procedure.
ReportA well-organized and comprehensive Word or PowerPoint document is submitted, following all instructions provided.A mostly well-organized and comprehensive Word or PowerPoint document is submitted, following most instructions provided.An adequately organized and comprehensive Word or PowerPoint document is submitted, following most instructions provided.A poorly organized or incomplete Word or PowerPoint document is submitted, failing to follow some instructions provided.A significantly flawed or irrelevant Word or PowerPoint document is submitted, failing to follow most instructions provided.

Total Marks 30

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