Discuss and apply real-world examples of an airline dealing with various fuel cost drivers and how they apply various fuel cost management techniques

Each assignment submission must be in APA format and substantive in nature and follow the assignment grading rubric.

The textbook provides a primary source for the theory but makes sure to utilize additional sources for substantive information. Outside sources to validate your writing include and are not limited to: current airline financial statements, news articles in business magazines regarding the airline industry, and airline industry magazines. Applying what you have learned from the textbook readings to a current event today in the airline industry.

1. The Case Study is a minimum of 3 pages submitted as a Word Document File.

2. Applies a real-world/current airline industry event to the Case Study Topic.

3. Week #3 – Case Study Topic from Chapter 5: Discuss and apply real-world examples of an airline dealing with various fuel cost drivers and how they apply various fuel cost management techniques (pages 286-290).

All written work must be submitted via Canvas as a Word document and is held to the strictest academic and professional standards. See Rubric included with the Assignment for additional grading detail.

Remember, if what you write is not an original thought of yours, you must cite references. Use proper English and grammar. NO abbreviation type writing such as used in Facebook or texting. Remember the sole form of communication in this course is through the written word, so proper English and grammar is not only crucial, it is mandatory. You must begin to get into the habit of citing sources in whatever you write. Post the reference information at the end of each assignment.

Requirements: 3 PAGES

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