Discuss the current state of federal democracy in Canada


This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. Assignment 1 tests your understanding of select concepts learned in weeks 1-3. Students complete the Political Compass Online Survey which gages the student’s political position along the Canadian political compass. The students are asked to reflect in the form of short answer questions which encourage them to understand current issues in Canadian politics, understand political ideologies including conservatism, liberalism and socialism as expressed through political parties, and express their own reasoned position on a range of contemporary political issues affecting Canadians.


Completing this assessment supports meeting the following course learning outcomes:

  • CLO 2: Discuss the current state of federal democracy in Canada.
  • CLO 4: Analyze the competing interests of power in Canadian politics.


  1. Complete the Political Compass Online SurveyOpens in a new tab. Take a screenshot or picture of your result (i.e., the graph,) and paste it in the Word file you are using to complete the assignment: 
  2. Complete the following questions (5 marks each):
    1. How accurate do you believe your results were from the survey? Were you surprised by your results? Why, or why not? Please explain your answer in 100 to 200 words.
    2. Question 2: Pick one survey question that stood out to you for a particular reason. The question could be one that you found to be biased, a topic that you have not considered before, or perhaps unnecessary. In 100 to 200 words, explain why you feel this way and whether the rural-urban divide might split voters on the issue being discussed.

How Your Assignment Will be Graded 

Your response to each question will be graded using the following scale:

  • 5 marks: Student provides evidence of introspection and explains their views in a clear and concise manner adhering to grammatical rules.
  • 4 marks: Student provides some evidence of introspection and explains their views well in a manner adhering to grammatical rules.
  • 3 marks: Student provides little evidence of introspection and does not explain their views well in a manner adhering to grammatical rules.
  • 2 marks: Student does not provide any evidence of introspection and does not explain their views well.
  • 1 mark: Student attempts to answer the question but does not do so in a manner which reveals any evidence of introspection and is not explained clearly.

Requirements: As per instructions

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