Eclipse environment

After you gain familiarity with the Eclipse environment, you are going to write a very simple Java program, and run it using Eclipse. Following is the sample code.

Note that the name of the following Java program is The spelling of HelloWorld must be exactly the same as to the word next to “public class.” Be careful about the upper and lowercase, in Java, uppercase and lowercase does make a difference. And by tradition, the first letter of the class should be in upper case.

public class HelloWorld


      public static void main(String[] args)


                System.out.println(“Hello World, this is my first Java class”);



Case Assignment

Write a java program to display a greeting message and name it as The message needs to include the following information: your name, city you live in, your profession, and what you would like to do in your spare time etc. Once you are done with debugging and running the program, copy a screen shot of the output along with the java program, paste it to a word document, and submit the word document to dropbox.

Note: use sample program as reference to prepare for this programming assignment.

Assignment Expectations

• The program should use both System.out.print and System.out.println methods
• The program has no compiling errors.
• The program displays the greeting message required.

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