English Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

This article needs to refer to a Digital Media profession

The first task of this assignment is to look over your work from the semester in order to abstract out at least one skill: forming an argument, reading texts closely, working with quotation, supporting an argument, giving feedback to your peers, meeting deadlines, managing your time, using Canvas—whatever. Then you should support your argument about the usefulness of that skill by connecting the work you’ve done in this class with your future career, either in your other classes or in your chosen profession. For example, you might argue that as a business analyst you will need to make and support an argument about what direction a business should take.

Or, as an architecture major, you will need to balance an extraordinary workload which you practiced through managing drafting and revision. Or, in your final project for a sociology class this semester you used quotation in ways similar to what you learned in class. Or whatever. “I learned nothing of value in this class” is also a legitimate argument, as long as you support it in the context of your career. For example, you plan on being a visual artist and you found no skills in this class close to the skills needed for that field. You may want to do minor research on the key skills of your chosen profession; if you do, be sure to use correct citation and include a works cited page. Ultimately, this assignment is asking for the same skills as the papers for this class: take a position and support it with specific evidence.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines

  • Write your Final Reflection directly in Achieve. Your draft will automatically save as you go, and you can continue to write, revise and change your draft until you submit it. Refer to the instructions and draft goals for help as you write.
  • Your reflection should be approximately 2-3 pages in length (around 500-1000 words)
  • Include your name, my name, class and date in the upper left corner of the 1st page
  • Format your essay according to MLA guidelines (see Documenting Sources: MLA Style in Achieve)
  • Include a Works Cited page listing all sources you used or consulted

Requirements: 500-1000 words

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