
In this assignment, you will be further refining your business idea by creating a comprehensive business model using the defined, nine-part format of the business model canvas.

  • Value Proposition
    • What makes your product or service valuable to a customer?
    • Your answer should communicate the unique value your product or service offers your target customers.
  • Target Customers
    • Who will benefit from your value proposition?
    • Your answer may include a variety of potential segments. To maintain focus, include up to three customer segments which you feel your product/service most strongly would benefit.
  • Customer Relationships
    • What type of experience links your value proposition and target customers?
    • Include the type of relationship (eg, Functional, Emotional, Advisory) in your answer.
  • Distribution Channels
    • How do you deliver your value proposition to target customers?
    • Double-check that your distribution channels will serve each of the customer segments you identified previously.
  • Revenue Streams
    • What are your sources of revenue?
    • Having only one revenue stream is sufficient, and you don’t necessarily need multiple streams. But, if you only have one revenue stream, it may be a signal to think about other revenue opportunities.
  • Key Activities
    • What are the key activities that make your company different and create a competitive advantage?
    • You don’t need to identify all the activities your business may perform, just the activities which are unique or special.
  • Assets
    • What resources do you have that can generate value?
    • Not every asset category should be represented, just those that you expect to generate revenue or value, or those that have the potential to generate revenue or value.
  • Key Partners
    • Which partner relationships are critical to your company’s success?
    • Your business will have a lot of stakeholders, but just include your key business partners, mentors, or financial partners which are special to your business here.
  • Cost Structure
    • What costs are needed upfront to start the business, and how will costs change over time?
    • Every new business will incur some startup costs and assume future operational costs. Try to identify the fixed and variable costs that you will encounter when starting and growing the business.


A PowerPoint Presentation containing Business Model Canvas.

Don’t forget references are required!

  • APA Requirements
    • 1” inch margins
    • Times New Roman 12 pt font
    • Double-Spaced
    • Title Page
    • Reference Page
    • In-text citations

Requirements: criteria required

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