Erectile Disorder

You will be assigned at random a specific diagnosis of a sexual disorder and a case study. Papers need to address each of the following sections below:

  1. You will develop a treatment guide for your assigned disorder. The guide needs to include the following:
    1. An overview of the etiology of the disorder
    2. Exact DSM V criteria for diagnosis
    3. Available treatments for the disorder
    4. Overall outcomes for each treatment
  2. With your provided case study, you will need to diagnose the client and design a treatment plan. The treatment plan must contain:
    1. 3 goals
    2. Each goal must have 3 measurable objectives or interventions for therapy with target dates
    3. The treatment plan must be specific and provide enough detail so a clinician can use your guide to treat the client.

Please note:

  • There is no page requirement for this paper. However, you need to ensure the work is high quality and questions/parts are answered thoroughly and efficiently. I will be grading on quality over quantity.
  • Since this is a personal, reflective paper, I am not requiring APA unless you are using quotes from the textbook or other sources. If this is the case, you need to cite with proper APA formatting.
  • Please include a cover/title page, appropriate headings for sections, and page numbers

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: Also, I need a powerpoint presentation based on ERECTILE DISORDER. I will be uploading an example

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