Esperanza Rising

Each week after your book club meets, you will record what pages you read and notes/connections to the themes we are covering in class. Each week, you will rotate to cover a different theme (Ex: if you covered Home/Place/Geographic location one week, you will do People the following week). This document will help you with your final assignment. Connections should be thoughtful and range from 200-300 words. This must be completed each week by the day after class.

Name of book club members: Linda

Name of book: Esperanza Rising

Reading timeline

Page numbers:Read by:
1-57July 2
58-99July 9
100-157July 16
158-213July 23
214-253July 30
Meeting date: July 2Chapter(s) read:1-57Thematic connections and reflectionsYou will provide examples in the text that tie to these themes along with any reflective thoughts that come with it. As we progress through the quarter, also make connections to course content.
Book club member:LindaFree space – no theme this week 🙂

Summary of the book so far: Esperanza’s family lives in Aguascalientes, Mexico and is very influential. They have a large plot of land. Her Papa gives a place to live to all of the servants that work for the family. Esperanza just turned 13. Papa is (apparently) murdered the night before her 13th birthday (party). Esperanza’s Tio offers to marry Mama and take over the land, but if he does, he will be in charge of everything and will send Esperanza to a boarding school, taking her away from her school and friends. Their house burnt down and now they have no choice but to either marry Luis or leave. He wants Romana’s heavy influence because she is respected in her community. To save her workers, mama ‘agrees’ to marry him verbally, though they decide to join Hortensia, Alfonso, and Miguel (their servants) to escape to California. The family is close with the servant family and relies on them alot. For instance, they decide to trust them through the escaping process to leave for California and work.

Meeting date: July 9Chapter(s) read:58-99Thematic connections and reflectionsYou will provide examples in the text that tie to these themes along with any reflective thoughts that come with it.
Book club member:LindaTheme: Home/Place/Geographic location

Summary of the book so far:

Meeting date: July 16Chapter(s) read:100-157Thematic connections and reflectionsYou will provide examples in the text that tie to these themes along with any reflective thoughts that come with it.
Book club member:LindaTheme: People

Summary of the book so far:

Meeting date: July 23Chapter(s) read:158-213Thematic connections and reflectionsYou will provide examples in the text that tie to these themes along with any reflective thoughts that come with it.
Book club member:LindaTheme: Community as contentious

Summary of the book so far:

Meeting date: July 30Chapter(s) read:214-253Thematic connections and reflectionsYou will provide examples in the text that tie to these themes along with any reflective thoughts that come with it.
Book club member:LindaTheme: Community as transformative

Summary of the book so far:

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