essentials of writing

Part 1

This course focuses on learning the essentials of writing. One of the building blocks of writing is learning how to research information and summarize the information in a concise paragraph. For this assignment, you can choose a reading that interests you, either from the course texts, the Capella library, or a website. Then, you can practice your paragraph writing skills by writing a summary paragraph of your selected reading.


For this assignment, first select a reading. This reading can be something you have already read in this course, a reading that you found in the Capella LibraryLinks to an external site., or a reading that you found online. The important thing is that it must be a reading that you can refer to and link the full text for the faculty member facilitating the course.

After you have selected a reading and read it, write a paragraph in which you do the following:

  • Create a topic sentence.
    • The topic sentence should focus on the main idea to be discussed in the paragraph.
  • Write supporting sentences.
    • These sentences should highlight main ideas of the reading and support the topic sentence.
  • Write a concluding sentence.
    • This sentence should bring the summary to a logical close.
  • Summarize the author’s ideas in your chosen reading in your own words.
    • Make sure you indicate the who and the title of the reading you selected.
  • Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Additional Requirements

Your submission should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: Your assignment submission should be one complete paragraph (4 to 6 complete sentences).
  • Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Part 2

Narrative writing is the type of writing an author uses to tell a story. For example, you may tell a co-worker a story about your weekend, or a friend a story about a vacation you remember. We are narrative storytellers all the time in our everyday lives, as this is how we communicate events and memories.

For this assignment, you will use narrative writing to tell a story. You can choose your topic, but if you aren’t sure, tell a story about a life-changing event, a favorite vacation, or your journey to return to school. You will download and use the Five-Paragraph Narrative Essay Template [DOCX] that you reviewed as part of last week’s discussion to complete your assignment submission.


For this assignment, first select a story to tell. Then complete your work in the Five-Paragraph Narrative Essay Template. In this assignment:

  • Apply prewriting techniques to determine the topic for a narrative essay.
    • You can use these techniques to select your story and to detail how you want to approach the narrative storytelling.
  • Complete an outline for your narrative essay.
    • The outline should include a strong thesis statement, strong topic sentences for each supporting paragraph, and a strong concluding sentence for the final paragraph.
  • Write an introduction that is appropriate for your narrative essay topic.
    • The introduction should be structured to grab the reader’s attention and clearly present the topic of the narrative essay.
  • Write supporting paragraphs that tell a narrative story in chronological order.
    • Include flashbacks and background information as appropriate.
    • Use your outline to help structure the main idea and supporting sentences for each paragraph.
  • Write a conclusion that is appropriate for your narrative essay.
    • The conclusion should restate your topic, summarize your three main points, and leave the reader with what you want them to take away from your narrative.
  • Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage.

Additional Requirements

Your submission should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length of essay: Your fully written out essay must be five complete paragraphs (4 to 6 sentences per paragraph).
  • Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Part 3

This week, you will write the final draft of your Five-Paragraph Narrative Essay. This is your chance to show all of the writing skills you have honed up to this point (prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing) in final form. You will draw on the feedback you have received when revising and editing the essay to create the final submission. Be sure to proofread your essay carefully before submitting it. You will also be asked to write a reflection paragraph on how you think the revision process improved your essay and how you used feedback to guide your revisions.


For this assignment, review any feedback you received from faculty on your Week 7 Five-Paragraph Narrative Essay assignment. Also, you should review any feedback you received from your peers during the Week 8 discussion. Once you have reviewed the feedback you received, please complete the following:

  • Revise the introduction of your narrative essay to improve clarity.
    • Remember, the introduction needs to be structured to grab the reader’s attention and clearly present the topic of the narrative essay.
  • Revise the supporting paragraphs of your narrative essay to improve organization.
    • Remember, the supporting paragraphs should present your narrative in a chronological order, except where you have included background information or flashbacks where appropriate.
  • Revise the conclusion of your narrative essay to improve the summary of main points.
    • Remember, the conclusion should restate your topic, summarize your three main points, and leave the reader with what you want them to take away from your narrative.
  • Reflect on your revision process and how you used feedback to guide your revisions.
    • This paragraph should come after your essay. Please add a heading that reads “Reflection” for this section.
  • Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage.

Additional Requirements

Your submission should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length of essay: Your revised essay must be five complete paragraphs (4 to 6 sentences per paragraph).
  • Length of reflection: Your reflection on your revision process must be one complete paragraph (4 to 6 sentences in length).
  • Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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