Exploratory Research Case Study Assignment Instructions


In this assignment, you will share your knowledge of exploratory case studies. You discuss the components of case study design, case study tests/tactics; as well bounding and dignity.


After reviewing the required material stated in this week’s module, address the following in a written paper using the current APA format:

Describe the five components of case study design

Explain the criteria for judging the quality of research designs (or test and tactics).

Application #2 (Yin, 2018, p. 74) states, “Discuss the possibility that cases are not readily bounded but may have blurry definitions”. Address Yin’s statement and how to resolve the ‘not readily bound’ case.

Discuss how Christian researchers ensure dignity in a research study.

Required Format

Cover page



Case Study Research Design Components

Case Study Design Tests and Tactics

Cases Not Readily Bound

Dignity in a Research Study



Additional Requirements

Use the provided Overview of Exploratory Research and Comparative AssignmentTemplate.

This 1,000 minimum, 1,500 maximum word paper needs to be written to include these guidelines:

  • The required title, abstract, running head, table, and reference pages are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.

Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

In addition to the course texts and the Bible, this paper must include at least 6 references from peer-reviewed scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the books.

  • All parts of the assignment must be based on peer-reviewed scholarly sources, Biblical literature, and course texts.

There should be at least one instance of Biblical integration (at least one scripture reference).

  • In-text citations are required to support your (a) statements, (b) points, (c) assertions, (d) issues, (e) arguments, (f) concerns, (g) paragraph topic sentences, and (h) statements of fact and opinion. Refer to Section 8.1, Appropriate Level of Citation on pages 253 and 254 in the APA Manual (7th ed.).
  • Do not provide any personal opinions.
  • The introduction and summary sections should not be longer than ½ page each since the assignment is short in the word count.
  • Refrain from using phrases such as, “in this paper.”
  • Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, websites, blogs, and encyclopedias will not be accepted.
  • A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length and structured in a cohesive manner. Consider using the MEAL approach for writing paragraphs:
    • M – Main topic using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
    • E – Evidence to support the main topic using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
    • A – Analysis (e.g., for and against) of the evidence using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
    • L – Lead back to the main topic or to the main topic in the next paragraph using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
  • Avoid (a) clichés, (b) slang, (c) jargon, (d) exaggerations, (e) abbreviations, (f) figurative language, and (g) language that is too informal and too subjective.

Submit your final document for grading with file name syntax: LastNameFirstInitial

Requirements: 1000-1500

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