Explore the broad field of psychology and its different work disciplines, in order to determine the career option that best suits my interests and objectives as a professional.

My Plan Template

Part 1A: My Goals

My Goals

            List three goals that you have for yourself in this course. You will revisit these goals at the end of the semester in your Reflection Paper and you will report on your progress and how you met my goals for you as well as the goals you list here. (delete instructions for final paper)

               My goals for PSY2023 Professional Development in Psychology are:

1. Explore the broad field of psychology and its different work disciplines, in order to determine the career option that best suits my interests and objectives as a professional.

2. Enhance my critical thinking and analytical skills, allowing me to evaluate and interpret psychological research and apply this skill set to real-world situations.

3. Improve my communication and writing skills.

Part 1B: My Career

My Career

Review the Subdisciplines of Psychology and identify at least 3 areas in which you either might see yourself working or areas that might contribute to your main career interest.   Then, write at least 2 paragraphs answering the following questions: What are the 3 subdisciplines in which you are most interested and why? What experiences have you had that might have ignited these interests? What did you learn about yourself from the assessments? What is your biggest fear about pursuing these areas? (delete instructions for final paper)

I am drawn to Clinical psychology because of my interest in directly helping individuals struggling with mental health issues. I am motivated by the possibility of being in direct contact with patients to improve their lives through therapies and interventions. Counseling psychologicalseems very interesting to me. Firstly, because it is a means to help people overcome challenges and improve their mental well-being. Additionally, you can make a positive impact in the community by working in environments such as schools, assisting students. Furthermore, it provides a deep understanding of human behavior and emotions, which is very personally enriching. Developmental psychology captivates me because of its exploration of individual maturation and transformation across the lifespan. Focusing primarily on children and adolescents, knowledge which is indispensable in my work with children on the autism spectrum, as well as ADHD diagnosis, offers a scaffolding to decipher their distinctive growth patterns.

Working as a behavioral therapist has been a deeply rewarding experience that has allowed me to witness firsthand the transformative power of psychology. Through my interactions with clients, I have come to appreciate the intricate complexities of the human mind and behavior, and the profound impact that psychological interventions can have on people’s lives. This firsthand experience has ignited in me a passion to delve deeper into the field of psychology. On the other hand, growing up in an environment where I witnessed substance abuse raised questions about why people turn to substances, how addiction affects the brain, and how it can be treated. Practicing psychology represents for me not only the desire to understand the complexities of addiction, but also to help other people who may be going through similar experiences. Assessments have shown my propensity for compassionate, solution-oriented methods in therapeutic settings. However, apprehension remains regarding the potential psychological burden that these focus areas may impose. Maintaining a balance between emotional investment and professional distance will continue to be a persistent effort in such emotionally intense domains.

My Plan Part 2A: Skills and Experience

Complete the Argo2Pro Skills Confidence Assessment. Copy the results of the assessment here.  Identify your Argo2Pro Career Readiness Skills including Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, Technology, Leadership, and Professionalism. (delete instructions for final paper)

Response Summary:

What is your First and Last Name
   Daniela Otero

Please provide your student email (include @students.uwf.edu):

What is your major? (if you are uncertain, that is ok, just put undecided)

What do you hope to do, professionally, when you graduate? (i.e. Engineer, Teacher, Athletic Trai…
   Behavior Analyst

Critical Thinking – I am able to…
   1. Obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data.
      Level 2: Exploring – I have a working familiarity with the basic concepts of this skill.
   2. Exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   3. Listens to others in an active and attentive manner.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.

Critical Thinking
   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   Lately I had to make the decision to leave the agency I worked for due to internal problems that were not benefiting me both financially and professionally. This meant that I took the time to think about whether the change was right for me. I had to analyze the advantages and disadvantages that it would bring, and be aware that all changes are uncertain. Based on my experience and my critical analysis of the situation, I decided to take the step.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Continue educating myself

Communication – I am able to…
   1. Articulate and express thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.
   2. Demonstrate strong public speaking skills.
      Level 2: Exploring – I have a working familiarity with the basic concepts of this skill.
   3. Compose/edit memos, letters, presentations, and reports clearly and effectively.
      Level 2: Exploring – I have a working familiarity with the basic concepts of this skill.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   I am a behavioral therapist and I report progress notes on my clients for each session. I also provide verbal feedback to supervisors and caregivers weekly.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Since English is not my first language, I have to work twice as hard to express myself appropriately, especially in the academic and professional area. I could improve by reading, studying and practicing public speaking more frequently.

Teamwork – I am able to…
   1. Work productively with others in a team structure.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   2. Effectively negotiate conflict in a team structure.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   3. Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   To achieve good teamwork, I apply discipline, organization and communication. When misunderstandings have occurred, I allow myself to listen carefully and analyze both opinions without making preconceived judgments, and I try to reach a fair solution.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Being honest, fair and consistent with my actions, as well as creating a good relationship with my colleagues.

Technology – I am able to…  
   1. Search, identify, and retrieve information in digital environments.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   2. Leverage existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   3. Adapt to new and emerging technologies.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   For school assignments I use the technological resources available such as the internet browser, digital books and the school’s digital platforms such as Canvas.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Since technology advances quite quickly, I believe the best way to stay up to date is to be informed about new technologies and implement them in my daily life.

Leadership – I am able to…
   1. Use interpersonal skills to motivate, coach, and develop others.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   2. Organize, prioritize, and delegate work.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.
   3. Show initiative.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   At my workplace I collaborate with my colleagues by providing them with positive feedback and suggestions on work methods. I also make myself available if they need me. I try to give my best so they can follow me.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Improving listening and communication skills with others

Professionalism – I am able to…
   1. Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   2. Present, conduct, and carry him/herself in a professional manner.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   3. Demonstrate effective work habits.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   In my workplace I am responsible, ethical and follow codes of conduct. I treat my colleagues with respect and adapt to the environment. I strive to put my knowledge and experience into practice and create a positive impact on others.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Being consistent.

Career & Self-Development – I am able to…
   1. Identify and articulate skills, strengths, knowledge in the context of the desired position and individual’s career goals.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.
   2. Reflect and identify areas necessary for professional growth.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.
   3. Take the steps necessary to pursue career opportunities.
      Level 3: Experiencing – I am able to perform this skill, but not consistently and only with effort or mentoring from others.

Career & Self-Development
   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   I am pursuing a position as a Behavior Analyst. This made me enter the university to obtain my bachelor’s degree and later I will continue with a master’s degree in order to achieve my goal.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Continue learning.

Equity & Inclusion – I am able to…
   1. Exhibit respect and learning from all people or cultures.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   2. Demonstrate openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and the ability to interact respectfully with all people or cultures.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.
   3. Value his/her interactions with all people or cultures.
      Level 4: Excelling – I am able to perform this skill consistently and I am considered proficient.

   Please provide the best/most relevant example of how you demonstrated this skill.   I work with people of different nationalities, and I treat them with respect and tolerance. I do not make preconceived judgments about situations or topics that I do not understand.
   How might you improve in this skill?   Learning more about those cultures would improve my understanding and communication with them.

My Plan 2B: Individualized Career Plan

 Complete the Argo2 Pro Individualized Career Plan.  Meet with a UWF Career Counselor.  Copy the results of the assessment here and identify the name of your counselor and date of the meeting. Identify activities and set a timeline of when to pursue the academic, co-curricular, and other high impact/experiential involvement opportunities that most closely align with your professional goals. (delete instructions for final paper)

My Plan Part 3A: Careers and Personality

Careers and Personality

Write at least 2 paragraphs. Write one paragraph on the results of your Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory. Write one paragraph on what career areas were suggested in your results. Write the third paragraph on anything else you learned from the assessment. (delete instructions for final paper)

After digging into the 16 Personalities Assessment, I uncovered that I am an ISFP, aptly named the Adventurer. This insight has aided in my understanding of suitable career paths. The assessment pointed me towards professions that thrive on creativity and eschew rigid structures, such as those in the arts, music, photography, and design. These areas mesh well with the ISFP’s proclivity for artistic and innovative pursuits, offering a playground for their vivid imagination and unique insights. My feelings about these suggested paths are ambivalent; the allure of artistic and creative careers is strong, yet they come with inherent uncertainties regarding stability and financial security. In contemplating a career in psychology, a field that blends scientific rigor with creative problem-solving and therapeutic approaches, I see a potential avenue for harmonizing my ISFP traits with a more structured professional setting.

The results also shed light on the typical ISFP challenges, notably in long-term planning and a preference for living in the moment. This characteristic strikes a chord with me, especially when considering my career aspirations. While the ISFP’s love for freedom and spontaneity is something I cherish, I acknowledge the necessity of cultivating skills in planning and foresight, particularly essential in a demanding field like psychology. This field demands an in-depth understanding of human behavior, which aligns with an ISFP’s empathic nature. It also requires strategic planning and a commitment to long-term goals, which may not be an ISFP’s forte.

Furthermore, the assessment offered some personal revelations. It highlighted how my penchant for spontaneity and flexibility often comes at the expense of structure and organization. This inclination can deepen my personal life with diversity and spontaneity, yet it poses challenges in professional settings that require consistency and a focus on long-term objectives. Additionally, the assessment provided insights into my interpersonal relationships. It underscored the typical ISFP traits of sensitivity and emotional depth, which can be both empowering and challenging. This newfound awareness is prompting me to seek a balance between my ISFP characteristics and the requirements of a career in psychology, in which emotional resilience and stress management are indispensable.

My Plan Part 3B: My Group Personality and Success Strategies

My Group Personality and Success Strategies

 Write at least 2 paragraphs. Discuss your group personality. What role do you take in group work/teamwork. What group success strategies can you employ in future group work? (delete instructions for final paper)

My Plan Part 4: Personal Statement

Write one paragraph, with five to six sentences, about you and your goals. Who are you in a nutshell? What do you most want employers or academic representatives to know about you? What are your best qualities? What can you offer? What are your career goals? (delete instructions for final paper)

My Plan Part 5: Degree Plan

Map out a degree plan until graduation and beyond. Include the courses that you are taking now, courses that you would like to take for the upcoming semester, and possible courses until graduation. Do you plan to go to graduate school? If so, in what area? How many years will it take you to graduate with your Bachelor’s Degree? Master’s Degree? Doctorate Degree?  (delete instructions for final paper)

My Plan Part 6: Resume and ePortfolio

ePortfolio Link

            Paste the link to your ePortfolio.  Be sure that you are connected to me so that I can view it. (delete instructions for final paper)


Paste your Resume in this area or link to it. (delete instructions for final paper)

My Plan Part 7: STAR Interview Responses

Pick two of the questions from the My STAR Interview Responses Assignment and paste your questions and answers here.  (delete instructions for final paper)

Summary and Integration

 (Include this section with your Final Document)

Write 3-5 paragraphs. Consider what you have learned in this class. What was beneficial? What will you use in your future courses and career? What do you still need to work on? Did you meet your goals from My Plan Part 1? (delete instructions for final paper)

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