Field Recovery Scene Report

Individual Project: Field Recovery Scene Report

• The report must include the protocols (your checklist provided with the lab) used in the recovery

• Weather and Scene Data (presented in summary tables)

• Scene photos

• Sketches(Measurements presented in summary tables)

• Summary of your findings


• A written copy of the report is submitted via CANVAS

• Reports will be graded on completeness and accuracy

Bones: Research Paper Rubric Elements

Objective: Practice the scientific method by exploring scientific anthropological theoretical statements presented in the showBones.

First, select and watch any episode of Bones. Develop a hypothesis from statements made during the episode. Then, search the Journal of Forensic Sciences, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and other reputable, scholarly, peer-reviewed journals to find articles that prove or disprove the hypothesis you developed.

The paper must contain the following:

1. Construct a scientific hypothesis for Bones’ forensic anthropology finding (e.g., females have wider pelvic girdles than males). (The hypothesis must be testable)

2. Choose only one anthropological method provided in the episode to investigate. (The method must be a method that we cover in the Forensic Anthropology course)

3. A synopsis of the peer-reviewed journal articles (at least 3) you used to support your claim.

a. Peer-reviewed journal article (1)

b. Peer-reviewed journal article (2)

c. Peer-reviewed journal article (3)

4. You must provide copies, either as a .pdf of these articles when you turn the assignment in for grading.

5. Statement concerning how the peer-reviewed journal articles (if applied) would’ve changed the findings.

6. Your report should be no more than 5000 words in length (and no less than 1000 words in length)

7. Your report should have 1 inch margins (top, bottom, sides), and include page numbers.

8. Ten (10) points will be subtracted for each misspelled word or grammatical error.

9. Proper APA citation format is required and included on a References page.

10. Follow APA citations formatting procedures.

11. Do not directly quote from the journal articles.

12. Do not include photographs or drawings.

13. An abstract is not required.

Requirements: Not more then 5000 words not less then 1000

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