Film Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a film report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

You are each required to write a 3 page paper on the prompt below.

Compare or contrast the two films: I Am Not Your Negro (2015) and Free Angela and All Political Prisoners (2013). How are these films similar, and/or different?

You must use concrete and specific examples. You must also cite from the course material that includes both lectures and the articles we read for each film. Be sure that you accurately apply the Chicago Manual of Style citation format. I also encourage the use of outside resources (e.g., books, scholarly journals), however, refrain from using chatGPT, blog posts, Amazon reviews, etc.

I’ve created a general outline for the papers. You can use this as a basic guide. (See Final Paper Module for PDF outline). Also attached to Final Paper Module you’ll find a sample paper for a successful comparative argument. You can use this as a model. Just be sure to keep in mind that your paper is only 3 pages.

REMEMBER: Your paper must include two double-spaced pages of written argumentation and a 1-page works cited, for a total of 3 pages.

Requirements: 3pages

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