Financial data for Beaker Company

Financial data for Beaker Company for last year appear below:

Beaker Company
Cash$ 292,000$ 381,892
Accounts receivable196,000182,000
Plant and equipment (net)487,000433,000
Investment in Cedar Company302,000333,000
Land (undeveloped)278,000278,000
Total assets$ 1,812,000$ 1,886,892
Liabilities and owners’ equity:
Accounts payable$ 191,000$ 140,000
Long-term debt895,000895,000
Owners’ equity726,000851,892
Total liabilities and owners’ equity$ 1,812,000$ 1,886,892
Beaker Company
Income Statement
Sales$ 2,730,000
Less operating expenses2,088,450
Net operating income641,550
Less interest and taxes:
Interest expense$ 98,700
Tax expense230,958329,658
Net income$ 311,892

The company paid dividends of $186,000 last year. The “Investment in Cedar Company” on the statement of financial position represents an investment in the stock of another company.


  1. Compute the company’s margin, turnover, and return on investment for last year.
  2. The Board of Directors of Beaker Company has set a minimum required return of 46%. What was the company’s residual income last year?
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