Find a job ad for an available position within your professional discourse community—one that you will soon be qualified for as a new graduate. Identify the qualifications necessary to achieve that position. Which qualifications do you have now? Which do you still need to develop?

Audience: A potential employer, of a family and marriage counseling 

Purpose: Using the discourse expertise you have developed by working on the previous assignments, put together an employment packet for an aspirational professional opportunity.

Length: See below

Instructions: This assignment consists of multiple parts:

  • Step One: Find a job ad for an available position within your professional discourse community—one that you will soon be qualified for as a new graduate. Identify the qualifications necessary to achieve that position. Which qualifications do you have now? Which do you still need to develop?
  • Step Two: Accomplishment Statements (2-3 pages). Write a list of five different accomplishments relevant to your professional aspirations, illustrating each one with specific examples. Keep the values of the DC in mind as you write this. accomplishment will be stress management workshops specifically for women in my church doing makeup and self care. ( you can make up anything as long as it relates to psychology)
  • Step Three: Career Goals Statement (2-3 pages):
    • Write down your long-term ( is to become a license family and marriage therapist and short-term professional goals, (finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology) and explain how they relate to this specific position. This section can be written in the form of a narrative essay.
    • Prioritize your goals (bullet format is sufficient).
    • Fill in the Gaps: Identify 2 -3 steps you will need to achieve both your short and long term goals (i.e. skills you will need to obtain, certifications, or experiences).
  • Step Four: Create a professional resume/CV in response to the job ad (1-2 pages). This should demonstrate direct knowledge of the conventions, expectations, and values of your discourse community. ( if not able to its fine)
  • Step Five: Write a cover letter designed to get you an interview (1 page).
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