Find a local business on Yelp that has a few negative reviews. Select one of them and map out what your strategy would be to interact with the dissatisfied customer, including both your initial contact with the reviewer and a longer follow-up message. 

Find a local business on Yelp that has a few negative reviews. Select one of them and map out what your strategy would be to interact with the dissatisfied customer, including both your initial contact with the reviewer and a longer follow-up message. 

Your assignment will be graded based upon the following criteria: 

Locate a local business on Yelp:_____/10

Selection of specific message and strategy map:_______/50

       Clear strategy for initial contact:_______/30

       Clear strategy for follow-up:_______30

Professional tone, language, grammar usage:______/30 

All assignments should follow APA 7th edition. For assistance or guidance, please visit: 

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