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Question 1

Firewalls contribute to the security of your network in which three (3) ways?

1 / 1 point

Prevent unauthorized modifications to internal data from an outside actor.


Partially correct! Firewalls can prevent external connections to internal data.

Prevent Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.


Partially correct! Firewalls can filter out packets in SYN flooding attacks.

Allow only authorized access to inside the network.


Partially correct! Firewalls can allow only authenticated users to pass through.

Prevent an internal user from downloading data she is not authorized to access.


Question 2

Which packets are selected for inspection by a packet filtering firewall?

1 / 1 point

The first packet in any transmission, whether entering or leaving.

Every packet entering or leaving a network.

Every packet entering the network but no packets leaving the network.

The first packet of every transmission but only subsequent packets when “high risk” protocols are used.


Correct! Every packet is inspected.


Question 3

True or False: Application Gateways are an effective way to control which individuals can establish telnet connections through the gateway.

1 / 1 point




Correct! Application gateways are good at managing access by protocol.


Question 4

Why are XML gateways used?

1 / 1 point

XML traffic cannot pass through a conventional firewall.

XML packet headers are different from that of other protocols and often “confuse” conventional firewalls.

Conventional firewalls attempt to execute XML code as instructions to the firewall.

XML traffic passes through conventional firewalls without inspection.


Correct! Conventional firewalls to do not inspect XML packets for dangerous things like executable code.


Question 5

Which three (3) things are True about Stateless firewalls?

1 / 1 point

They maintain tables that allow them to compare current packets with previous packets.

They are faster than Stateful firewalls.


Partially correct. They have less work to do.

They are also known as packet-filtering firewalls.


Partially correct! This is another name for a stateless firewall.

They filter packets based upon Layer 3 and 4 information only (IP address and Port number)


Partially correct! They filter on IP and port only.

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