First, choose one theory from Chapter 1 of the textbook described between Mid-Century Theories through the Recent Theoretical Perspectives sections that you feel describes child development best

Developmental Theories, Research Methods, and Ethics

Development is complex and no single theory has been able to explain all of its components. However, good theories, grounded in careful research, help organize our thinking about child development. In this discussion, you will begin your exploration into the various developmental theories, research methods, and the importance of considering ethics when conducting research with children.

  • First, choose one theory from Chapter 1 of the textbook described between Mid-Century Theories through the Recent Theoretical Perspectives sections that you feel describes child development best. Then, explain why you chose this theory and briefly describe the main characteristic of the theory and the stance the theory takes on development (does the theory consider development to be continuous or discontinuous?).
  • A theory’s continued existence depends on scientific verification – every theory must be tested using a fair set of research procedures agreed on by the scientific community (Berk, 2022). If you were to conduct a research study with children, explain which common research method described in the textbook you would use and why?
  • Research can create ethical issues and these issues may be amplified when conducting research with children. What two children’s basic research rights discussed in your textbook do you believe are most important to adhere to an
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