Focus Group Discussion Guide

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assignment III: The Focus Group Moderator’s Guide
Deadline to submit the moderator’s guide: Sunday of Module 15 by 11:59 pm.
Submission Method: A Word Document (not a PDF ) via Canvas Assignment Drop Box (Do not
send it as an attachment to a Canvas message or an e-mail).
This assignment addresses the following Module 14 learning objectives (MLO):
MLO 3. Explain, with examples, how to conduct the major methods of qualitative research
(i.e., a focus group discussion)
MLO 5. Identify and discuss potential ethical issues with interviews, focus groups,
ethnography, and unobtrusive measures
Social networking Sites (SNSs) usage is growing steadily. A recent study shows that more than
70% of the U.S. population hold a social media account (Clement, 2020). Moreover, about half
of all adult internet users access a social networking site on a daily basis (Pew Internet, 2013).
These vast numbers of interconnected users who create and publish content, share ideas and
vote on them, or provide their recommendations and opinions over SNSs create unprecedented
opportunities for businesses in terms of reach, segmentation, targeted marketing, advertising
and promotional activities. SNSs along with other social media channels provide a new arena
for brand marketing communication in which consumers take a more active role as marketers,
and brand advocates (Henning-Thurau et al., 2004; Walsh et al., 2010).
Specifically, consumers turn to social media to share their own experiences with brands,
products and services and to provide a more realistic view of their product experience. At the
same time, consumers are leveraging the experience of others as shared in SNSs before they
make purchase decisions themselves (Evans & MaKee, 2010). Think for example, about your
Facebook friend who bought a new Apple laptop and posts his/her picture with the new
purchase along with the comment “I ♥ my Apple.”
Think about yourself posting a picture on Instagram with your favorite brand of sneakers and
commenting about them. Think about someone who simply retweets a negative post on(REST IN UPLOADED FILE)

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