For each dialectical tension management strategy above, provide an example of how social media users and social media companies manage the openness vs. privacy dialectical tensions

Please see the video clip below and complete your answers. 


•       In Chapter 10in the textbook . Solomon, D. H., & Theiss, J. A. (2013). Interpersonal communication: Putting theory intopractice. New York: Routledge. (use annas archive website to find the textbook), we discussed different ways to manage dialectical tensions (spiraling alteration, segmentation, balance, denial, and recalibration).

•       For each dialectical tension management strategy above, provide an example of how social media users and social media companies manage the openness vs. privacy dialectical tensions.

•       For example, for spiraling alterations, we may think of a user who repeats the routine of deactivating and activating Facebook account. 

Please place your answer (4-5 sentences for each strategy) next to the bullet point. It will be important 1) to provide your own definition of each term below (that is, define the term using your own perspective and/or languages). 2) Then, choose one party (Facebook or users) to describe how such party manages the dialectical tension through each strategy below (use examples). 3) As a conclusion, in a short paragraph, provide your analysis of the current patterns of how social media industries and users manage dialectical tensions of openness and closure; this is your conclusive and comprehensive analysis that is located at the end of your reflection paper, so you do not have to add a conclusion below each strategy.  

•       Spiraling alteration: 

•       Segmentation:

•       Balance:

•       Denial:

•       Recalibration:

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