For the course project, you will identify and research a Homeland Security/Terrorism incident that occurred within the United States or its interests (U.S. Embassy or diplomatic mission, U.S. territory, U.S. Military asset or installation, or attack on U.S. citizens abroad


For the course project, you will identify and research a Homeland Security/Terrorism incident that occurred within the United States or its interests (U.S. Embassy or diplomatic mission, U.S. territory, U.S. Military asset or installation, or attack on U.S. citizens abroad

TOPIC: The Simultaneous bombings of U.S embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar as Salaam, Tanzania- 1998. 

Part I: Submit an Annotated Bibliography, using APA formatting.

Part II: Submit your completed paper, using APA formatting


Using the template provided, you will submit your final course project analyzing a Homeland Security incident.

In your final paper, you will:

1. Identify and describe the incident and provide historical background.

2. Describe the terrorist group(s) involved in the incident and their objectives.

3. Describe the investigation into the incident by local, state, or federal authorities.

4. Describe the lessons learned from the incident from an emergency management and homeland security standpoint and discuss how this knowledge can be used to mitigate future terrorist incidents.


• The body of the paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length, with an additional title page and reference page.

• All work must be formatted according to APA guidelines.

• Use at least three (3) primary source references as research sources for your paper.

• The Emergency Management and Homeland Security program

LibGuide, located in the Course Information link is a good place to start your research. The FBI, U.S. State Department, Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Congressional reports, and the different military branch websites are also excellent resources when conducting research on these topics. You may not use Wikipedia,,,, online encyclopedias, or similar websites as references, as they are not considered primary sources of information

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