For the first part of our discussion, think about areas of your life where you are knowledgeable. This can be a sport, a hobby, a craft, a TV show or movie series, a video game platform, a beauty practice, a future career, or any topic you feel confident in discussing

For the first part of our discussion, think about areas of your life where you are knowledgeable. This can be a sport, a hobby, a craft, a TV show or movie series, a video game platform, a beauty practice, a future career, or any topic you feel confident in discussing. Explain something factual about your subject that your classmates may not already know. You can do this in writing, or by uploading a recording of one to two minutes in length for us to watch.

Part 2

Now, do some investigation! Search the Internet for “sample essay on __________,” using your topic. Then, tell us about the essay, where you found it, and provide a link to the essay. Is it a student essay site, a site selling essays for money, an online publication, or something else? What are your thoughts about the essay? Is it factual, based on your knowledge of the subject? What about the quality of the writing?

Be sure to include both part one and part two in the same post, please, and be sure to check back to read and answer responses on your post, as it’s up to you to let your classmates know if their responses contain good information!


Your initial post should:

  • be at least 200+ words in length, but can be longer if needed;
  • get started by Thursday (you can edit until the deadline for all posts that week);
  • respond to both part one and part two of the prompt;
  • provide essay materials from the internet and your discussion of those materials;
  • be a well-written and, at times, well-structured, well-developed, and well-organized when prompted; and
  • be grammatically correct
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