Four Principles of Motivational Interviewing the OARS

Get Motivational Interviewing Oars Pictures // lillianlafleur

After viewing the following videos on Motivational Interviewing (MI) record a video response:

Good example:

Bad example:

Part 1:

1. Describe at least one good example or characteristic of motivational interviewing shown in the video. HINT: READ AND REFERENCE THIS ARTICLE

2. How did it positively affect the client?

3. How did it change the discussion between the client and the counselor?

Part 2:

1. Describe at least one bad example of motivational interviewing shown in the video.

2. How did the client respond?

3. How did it impact their session?

Part 3:

1. How can you begin learning and using MI?

2. In what situations as a student can you practice MI skills?

3. How will learning MI make you a better professional in the field that you plan to go into?

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