Health Care Question

  • 5 total slides explaining their role(Funding organizations (government & private) ) and contribution to the case study. to address the needs of the patient inthe case study below.
  • Role = Funding organizations (government & private)
  • Make these powerpoint slides and in the notes section for each slide: type what I should present when pointing at the slide.
  • discuss case study role by using your newly acquired knowledge of integrated healthcare and team-based care and outside research to gain furtherinsight into current healthcare trends and real-world ideas. Add a reference slide for any outside sources
  • Case Study Scenario:An 80-year-old female widow lives by herself in a small, government apartment building. She has two sons (50 & 60 years old) who are both married, have families and unfortunately live more than an hour away from her house. She has breast cancer which has been managed for the last 20 years. She visits the nearby Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) for follow-ups every three months. She has missed a few of her appointments, and lately, she has been losing weight, feeling tired, and depressed, can’t sleep well at night, and has no appetite. She made an appointment to visit her doctor at her routine FQHC.
  • search for the organizations, services or your role in the federally qualified health centers and find what are the responsibilities of these roles(for a slide)
  • I completed the summary worksheet that should help you construct the slides down below. (no title page needed)
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