Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Survey

Complete: Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Survey (Word) and score it using the scale at the end of the survey form. (attached below)

Compare: Your results to the results of your country of origin by going to Hofstede’s Compare Countries page.https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparis…

Click on link, scroll down a bit, (do not purchase anything!), then type the name of your country of origin in the box and select it from the drop down list if available. If the country does not appear on the list, find one you feel is closest to your choice in terms of culture.

Discussion Questions

Please address all questions:

1. Briefly share your results on the Dimensions Survey and how this aligns with the information gained from the Country Comparison tool.

2. What influences sameness or difference within culture? Utilize the required readings and a scholarly article to support your claims.

3. As you can tell from the module readings, we are relying heavily on scientific research to examine culture. Describe the impact of WEIRD Science on our research and resulting understanding of different cultures.


Be sure to integrate scholarly support throughout the post. Sources should be cited in-text, APA style with references at the end. You can refer to the Online Resources page to help you get started. Please review Discussion forum instructions in the Course Information module before submitting your posts

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