How and in what ways was Germany the center of the Cold W ar tensions up to 1961?

Choose one question and write a 6-10-page paper , font size 12 (T imes New Roman). Y ou should have at least 15 footnotes at least 3 academic sources (published History books and/or journal articles) and one primary document. T o help combat plagiarism please DO NOT USE non-academic internet sour ces . I will email specific primary sources for the questions before midnight today . By now you should be able to cite your sources correctly – failure to do so will lead to a deduction of up to 5 marks. Questions 1. How and in what ways was Germany the center of the Cold W ar tensions up to 1961? Use specific examples. 2. a. Explain how the Gorbachev policies of perestroika and glasnost contributed to the demise of the Soviet Union. OR b. Outline Gorbachev’ s reform program from 1985. Why were many Soviet people dissatisfied and how did they show their dissatisfaction? 3. Explain the role of Germany’ s “blank check” and Austria’ s ultimatum to Serbia in starting WWI. How did a conflict that began as a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia end up as a world war? 4. How important was the second industrial revolution for determining the nature of WWI? Think both in terms of technology and of western countries level of industrialization. 5. a. The seeds of the WWII were sown in the peace settlements of WWI. Discuss. OR b. The V ersailles Peace T reaty was created to maintain peace. Using specific examples show how , to what extent and with what consequences this was achieved. 6. The American Revolution occurred because of Great Britain’ s failure to adjust to conditions brought on by the growth and development of the colonies, and by the aggravation of a breakdown in the political and economic harmony that existed between the colonies and their mother -country . Discuss. Explain why and how the subsequent war split American colonists into three .

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