How the need was identified and the significance for nursing practice.


Proposed Topic for Scholarly Paper Discussion

The project will first be written in the format of a proposal discussion post & replies to peers and submitted to your professor for approval. It must be approved by your professor. The project must be a clinical nursing issue that a staff nurse can address. Staffing ratios, hiring nurses and adding services are NOT within the scope of the staff nurse as a leader – you are NOT permitted to write about these topics. The proposal should include the following:

Clear Definition of the Leadership or Management Problem. (Note- you may not use a previous topic from another course – See academic Integrity policy of FSW).

  1. How the need was identified and the significance for nursing practice.
  2. Description of the stakeholders, financial considerations, regulatory/ legal components and resources potentially needed to implement the project.
  3. Specific, Measurable, and realistic Goals of the Project
  4. At least 3 References/evidence-based research related to the problem. (Include title page and reference page). Note in rubric- 5 references of specified quality are required for full points in discussion. All references must be no older than the past 3-5 years.
  5. APA formatting required.

In developing your proposal discussion be sure to include:

  • How your proposed project meets course outcomes and End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLO) –section IV B, p. 3.
  • What factors or needs on your unit determined your selection of the project topic?
  • Describe the literature search you conducted i.e. keywords, and the literature you found to support your proposal.
  • Describe any barriers/challenges you anticipate in the implementation of your proposal

This proposal discussion will be reviewed by your professor. Please look for feedback and approval of the topic with your grade before starting your scholarly paper. After you have professor approval for your project, you may proceed.

Replies- Please be sure to give suggestions and thorough feedback to your classmates since this will be their scholarly paper topic most likely. Your discussion and replies are worth more points this week because the expectation has increased. Please keep this in mind while you complete this assignment.

This is Part A (needed for approval, then will complete part B)

Rubicons is attached

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