How would you minimize users clicking on links without considering the risks of their actions?

Web browser Security and Vulnerability Assessment (50 points)

As a security architect, submit an assignment that addresses the questions below. Be sure to explain the process and steps you would use, as appropriate.

  • How would you minimize users clicking on links without considering the risks of their actions?
  • How would you address Web page addresses that are disguised or take you to an unexpected site?
  • How would you ensure that third-party software has a mechanism for receiving security updates?
  • How would you ensure users know how to configure their web browsers securely?


  • Your paper should be 5-6 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • You must include a minimum of two credible sources and information from the module to support your writing. The Saudi Digital Library is a good source for resources.
  • please do not plaigraise and use references.

Requirements: six pages

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About the Author: admin