Human Development, Attraction and Love

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Human Development, Attraction and Love

Choose ONE of the following topics and complete at least a page-long essay on that topic. Spell and grammar check it and supply the class with references, video links, etc.

A. Evaluate the reasonableness of psychology-related information you have received from the media, friends, and family about an aspect of human development you read about in your chapter. For example, Erikson’s stage of identity versus role confusion. Define what the topic is then give examples of what the media, TV shows, your friends, or family told you this stage was supposed to be like, versus what the theorists/psychologists say its supposed to be like. Contrast that with your own experiences. Was your experience more like what the media said, your family or friends said, or what the professionals said it would be like?

B. More carefully observe and describe psychological phenomena. Choose a stage of Piaget’s Cognitive development and give examples from your own life (or your children or another family member) of that stage. Begin by defining the stage and its major behavioral hallmarks then describe behaviors that you or your child (or family member) exhibited in this stage.

C. Explain at least one aspect of language development in terms of nature (genetic) and nurture (environmental) determinants.

D. Describe a humorous incident that you experienced. Identify a major theory of development (e.g., Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Freud…) that might explain what happened in this instance. For example, whenever I visit Mexico I get a can of Coke. The can size is different from American cans and I know that it SAYS that it is the same amount of soda, but because the can is shorter I always feel like it has less soda. I am then sad like a little child. I am experiencing a problem with my Conservation of Matter. After talking about this one day with our waiter I realized that my favorite restaurant was pouring a smaller amount of Coke (less than a can) into a BIGGER glass just for me (and I had always thought that they were being so generous with their soda by giving me a bigger glass than anyone else cause they liked me so much). haha, sucker!!

60. Identify the main THEORETICAL factors (components) of attraction in online dating. What are the important factors of online attraction according to research? Present research articles and discuss the factors that create successful internet attraction. Why not design a stellar dating profile example for the class as part of this assignment?


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