Identify an example of successful social media marketing that enabled a firm to achieve a business goal. 

Before you tackle this work, make sure you understand the difference between goals, strategies, and tactics, as well as common goals firms pursue using social media.

For your post:

Copy and paste the bulleted list below into your response. Use your text AND external research to formulate your thoughtful response. Write in full sentences. Cite sources like this(1) and this (2). Use language and concepts befitting your status as a business student. Include a References Section.

Identify an example of successful social media marketing that enabled a firm to achieve a business goal. In your initial one- to two-paragraph post, provide us with

  • Firm Name
  • Brief overview of firm products/target market
  • Time frame for activity (if ongoing, when did it begin?)
  • Why the firm undertook the activity
  • What business goal the firm wished to achieve
  • How success was measured (KPIs, metrics)
  • What social media sites they used and why
  • The URL(s) for sources that inform your post. Social Media Examiner, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Social Media Today, Social Media Examiner, and Sprout Social are good resources.


1. This is an example of how a numbered list of sources would look. Just provide a link to the information you sourced.

2. Another source link.

3. Another source link.


I will use the FARM rubric to grade both your post and your reply. To earn reply points, your must issue your initial post by the deadline. This ensures your peers have posts to which they can reply!

  • Fact-Based (F): Have you used specific information from the text or external research to support the assertions you are making?
  • Advancement (A): Do your answer and reply move the class discussion forward by taking the discussion farther or deeper (i.e., providing new perspectives and analytical)? Make sure you’re sharing a new/unique idea.
  • Relevance (R): Are your answer and comment clearly related to the class modules content and/or directly respond to the question? Do you use concepts and cite sources correctly?
  • Masterful (M): Free of spelling and grammar errors. Adheres to formatting guidelines. Succinct yet thorough professional writing reflective of your status as a business student.

Requirements: GOOD

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