If the forward rate is greater than the spot rate, what are markets signalingabout their expectations for the future spot rates for the home currency?

Econ 360
Spring 2020
Third Midterm

  1. If the forward rate is greater than the spot rate, what are markets signaling
    about their expectations for the future spot rates for the home currency?
  2. The nominal interest rate in the U.S. is 6% and the nominal interest rate in
    Canada is 3%. The spot value of the U.S. dollar is 1.1 ($/Canadian dollar)
    and the forward rate is 1.3 ($/Canadian dollar). Calculate the forward
    discount or premium for the dollar. Does the interest parity condition hold? If
    not explain what is likely to occur in foreign exchange markets. Assume that
    interest rates cannot change.
  3. Exchange rates are exceedingly difficult to predict. Explain the factors that
    determine the exchange rate over the long run, medium run, and short run.
  4. According to the following equation (1/R)(1+i)F = F/R (1+i). Explain what is the
    interest parity condition, and how can we derive the interest parity condition from
    the previous equation.
  5. If the dollar/pound exchange rate is $2/£, a Big Mac costs $5 in New York
    City and costs £4 in London. From the point of view of an American
    consumer estimate and explain whether the pound is undervalued or
    overvalued and indicate in what city U.S. consumers are better off.
  6. Explain the three rules that countries must follow to maintain a gold
  7. Why might a group of countries wish to have a common currency? Explain
    four reasons.
  8. Consider the case of a sudden increase in demand for foreign exchange in
    a country with a fixed exchange rate system. Indicate what are the
    conditions for the monetary authority to sustain the fixed exchange rate and
    explain the mechanism to maintain the exchange rate fixed using a graph.
  9. Use a J-curve to illustrate the effect on the current account of an exchange
    rate depreciation. Explain why the curve has the shape that it does. What
    condition must be fulfilled to have a positive effect of the depreciation of the
    currency on the current account?


  1. How does a weak financial sector intensify the problems created by volatile
    capital flows?
  2. Explain how exchange rate policies affected economies during the Great
  3. Explain the pros and cons of a crawling peg.
  4. Describe the policies that a nation would follow to correct a current account
    deficit. What are the primary purposes of each type of policy?
  5. Explain why in an economy with fixed exchange rates, monetary policy will
    not cause expenditure switching.
  6. How did the vulnerabilities in Asian economies lead to the Asian financial
    crisis of 1997-1998?
  7. Explain the meaning of IMF conditionality and why it has been criticized.
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