Improvement Plan: Part B – Needs Assessment: Data Collection, Analysis, and Goals Assignment Instructions

Improvement Plan: Part B – Needs Assessment: Data Collection, Analysis, and Goals Assignment Instructions

The Improvement Plan is a project whereby you will demonstrate your ability to support student learning and development by making data-driven decisions, setting goals, and developing effective strategies to accomplish those goals. The multiple activities of this project build upon each other; each activity is to relate to the others.

You will complete this project using a school of your choice for evaluation. You may choose a K-12 school to complete a K-12 Improvement Plan, or you may choose a college or university for a Higher Education Improvement Plan. Candidates seeking licensure must complete this project on a K-12 school. You will use the same school for each Improvement Plan assignment.

This project will be completed in five parts over the course of four separate assignments, as seen below:

PurposePartAssignmentModule: Week
VisionPart A – Vision Evaluation, Development, and RevisionImprovement Plan: Part A – Vision Evaluation, Development, and Revision Process AssignmentModule 2: Week 2
Needs AssessmentPart B – Data Collection, Analysis, and GoalsImprovement Plan: Part B – Needs Assessment: Data Collection, Analysis, and Goals AssignmentModule 4: Week 4
Part C – Relation to the School’s VisionImprovement Plan: Part C – Needs Assessment: Relation to the School’s VisionModule 6: Week 6
Improvement PlanPart D – Resource ManagementImprovement Plan: Parts D & E – Resource Management, Implementation, and Monitoring Progress AssignmentModule 7: Week 7
Part E – Implementation and Monitoring Progress

In addition to completing the final parts of this project in Improvement Plan: Parts D & E – Resource Management, Implementation, and Monitoring Progress Assignment, you will combine your completed Parts A- E into a final culminating assignment to be submitted to CORE in the same Module: Week. For this Part B portion of the project, you will use collected data to assess organizational effectiveness in order to create goals for school improvement. You will use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation, and goals that meet the qualities of being specific, measurable, achievable, research-based, and time-sensitive.  


In a Word document, complete the following steps. Include title and references pages. Current APA formatting is expected throughout the assignment.

  1. Collect multiple types of school data for the school you have selected for this project. Examples of data include student achievement, graduation rates, attendance reports, discipline statistics, parent/community involvement, staff development needs, building needs, and current financial impacts.
    1. Public school data are generally available online or at the school or district office upon request.
    1. Private school data may be found in self-studies for accreditation upon request from administration.
  2. Data Analysis: In 300 – 500 words, analyze, interpret, and discuss the data to identify institutional strengths and weaknesses. Provide a thorough assessment of the school’s effectiveness.
  3. Goals: Create and list 3–5 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Research-based, and Timely) goals for school improvement. Before writing your goals, carefully review the Goals Samples and Tips and Data Analysis and Goal Setting resources provided with this assignment. If goals are not properly written in this assignment, they will need to be revised before you can complete any further assignments for this project.

When submitting this assignment, upload the Word document with your written Part B in addition to the various data reports and documents used for your data analysis. Ensure you have uploaded all necessary documents before actually submitting the assignment to the course.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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