Information Architecture

The final project overview Download final project overviewis available for you to see the overall expectation of the project.

Each deliverable will have specific requirements. Be sure to review the rubric for each deliverable.

Deliverable 1: Project Plan Download Deliverable 1: Project Plan

This deliverable will be graded as a whole, and the score will be assigned to all members equally. See the rubric for this part of the project to understand how your work is evaluated.

Major tasks for deliverable 1:

Part 1: Project Description and Ideation (50%)

  • What is the purpose of your website? Define the context and background of this website that you want to develop and your target audience.
    • Who is your target audience or is it an organization that you will be developing the website?
    • How is your website will meet the needs of these potential/existing users?
  • What are the characteristics of this website your team has envisioned that will address an information need of your users?
    • Provide some preliminary ideas of content that your team will develop.
    • Provide the initial idea of how this content will be structured
  • Conduct a brief evaluation of similar websites to get ideas on the types of content/information from the site, the design and delivery of the relevant information.
    • Select 3-5 competitor’s webpages and evaluate the following aspects of their webpages/websites.
      1. How are the design or user interface looks like and what are some elements you want to expand on in your own websites?
      2. What sort of content information is provided in their website and what do you think is missing?
      3. How is the metadata and structure of information may inform your web design and development?

Part 2: Research Strategy (30%)

  • Determine how you would user interviews or card sorting (will be implemented in Assignment 2) to understand the user’s needs and behavior while interacting with the content on the web.
    • Provide a brief description of which approach you or your team would like to take and what you expected to collect from the selected research strategy.

Part 3: Project Plan & Timeline (20%)

  • A timeline for the project that displays the dates and tasks of each component. You have 6 weeks to complete this project and Week 3 is your project planning week. If you will work as a team, be sure to state each person’s role and responsibilities.

View Rubric

Final Project Deliverable 1
Part 1: Project Description and Ideation50 ptsProficientThe response has addressed: 1)purpose, context, and background of the website & the users. 2) characteristics of the website and sub-questions 3) evaluation of similar websites40 ptsCompetentThe response has ONLY PARTIALLY addressed: 1)purpose, context, and background of the website & the users. 2) characteristics of the website and sub-questions 3) evaluation of similar websites25 ptsNoviceIncomplete response to address: 1)purpose, context, and background of the website & the users. 2) characteristics of the website and sub-questions 3) evaluation of similar websites10 ptsBelow BasicSimple responses that did not address the guiding questions./ 50 pts
Part 2: Research Strategy30 ptsProficientAll the questions in this part has been addressed: description of the research methods, use in their work, how the results will inform their development. Tools and technologies proposed to use are provided.24 ptsCompetentThe response has ONLY partially address: description of the research methods, use in their work, how the results will inform their development. Tools and technologies proposed to use are provided.15 ptsNoviceMost requirement has NOT been answered: description of the research methods, use in their work, how the results will inform their development. Tools and technologies proposed to use are provided.5 ptsBelow BasicsSimple responses that did not address the guiding questions. There is no use of IA terminologies or languages in the written response./ 30 pts
Part 3: Project Plan & Timeline20 ptsProficientA timeline that reflects all the key components in each deliverable/phases of the project is displayed with a brief discussion of each person’s role and responsibilities. A communication plan is established and clearly show how coordination will be managed for this team.16 ptsCompetentA timeline ONLY reflects SOME of the key components in each deliverable/phases of the project is displayed with a brief discussion of each person’s role and responsibilities. A communication plan is established and clearly show how coordination will be managed for this team.10 ptsNoviceA timeline that ONLY reflects SOME key components in each deliverable/phases of the project is displayed with a brief discussion of each person’s role and responsibilities. A communication plan is NOT CLEARLY established to show how coordination will be managed for this team.5 ptsBelow BasicSimple responses that did not address the guiding questions./ 20 pts
Individual Contributionview longer description0 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
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