Integrative Clinical Paper

Students will select a client from their field placement. Students will describe the presenting problem, demographic information, school information, and the social work role and purpose at the agency. The student will address the areas below to develop an integrative clinical paper.

The paper should be 7-9 Pages in APA Format. Please have each section under separate headings.

  • Engagement – Apply theories of human behavior and practice knowledge to describe your engagement with your clients.
    • Apply knowledge of human behavior and theory to describe the therapeutic alliance and engagement process.
    • Identify interpersonal dynamics and culturally responsive practices used in the engagement process.
    • Apply knowledge to understand the power dynamics in the relationship and use of the strengths perspective to empower the client.
  • Assessment – – Apply theories of human behavior and practice knowledge to describe how you facilitate assessment of clients and constituencies.
    • Apply knowledge human behavior and theory used to assess client functioning and well-being, diagnosis, and coping strategies given environmental influences.
    • Incorporate client self-determination into the assessment process and collaborate with the client as part of ongoing assessment.
    • Using the DSM 5, identify a differential diagnosis.
  • Intervention – Apply theories of human behavior and practice knowledge and describe the intervention plan with clients in the context of the agency.
    • Apply knowledge from theory, practice models, research evidence, and evidence informed interventions to create a treatment plan.
    • Use appropriate, culturally responsive clinical techniques for a range of presenting concerns identified in the assessment process.
    • Collaborate with other professionals to coordinate treatment interventions.
  • Evaluation – Apply knowledge of research and human behavior to describe an evaluation plan for work with the client.
    • Evaluate your work with the client using critical thinking skills, identifying successes and areas for improvement in your practice.
    • Apply knowledge from your evaluation to contribute to the theoretical knowledge base and develop best practice interventions through practice-based research.

Requirements: 7-9 pages

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