Interview a parent of an infant (age 0-1 yr old) to learn how they facilitate the development of trust and attachment. Write a 1-2 page description of your interview. Be sure to state questions in an open-ended format to get a deep understanding of facilitating the development of trust and attachment. After reading chapter 2 gather the following information. (NAEYC 2b, 2c) 10 point Times New Roman document with minimal if any grammatical errors
- Age of infant
- Relationship of caretaker to the infant (mother, father, caretaker)
- How do you bond with your baby?
- How does your infant communicate with you or let you know what they need? (Ex. different cries for different needs)
- How does your baby interact differently with you than with others (ex. other parent, family members, caretakers, strangers)?
- What are your beliefs about responding to an infants cry?
- How would you describe your baby’s temperament? Does their temperament match yours?
Requirements: 1 page